P. 168

ENGLISH                                                                                     2  STEP

        5.  In order to better understand the Earth’s natural and   7.  Archaeology is examining the use of three-dimensional
            human environments, geographers divide the Earth’s     imaging  and  printing  techniques  increasingly,  such  as
            surface into a number of distinct regions. _______ One   digital scanning, to connect the fragments of the past.
            region may be hot and rainy most of the time, for example,   _______ Digital scanning allows for extensive research of
            while another might be dry and cold. This means the    historical artefacts’ colours and textures, as well as their
            plant  flora  and  animal  life  found  there function,  adapt,   cultural and historical context. These high-resolution
            and interact according to the conditions of the region   photos reveal features like 2,500-year-old fingerprints,
            they inhabit. Regions defined by landscapes that share   invisible to the human eye. The most remarkable element
            similar climates and types of vegetation in this way are   of these advancements is that three-dimensional
            known as biomes.                                       scanners enable researchers to work remotely on
                                                                   historical artefacts while leaving the originals in their
            A)  Regions, whether large or small, are also the basic units
                                                                   respective countries.
               of geography.
                                                                   A)  New technologies such as tablets and 3D printing
            B)  Geographers also use regions to study with prehistoric
                                                                      are  replacing  dusty  notebooks,  pens, and  cameras  at
                                                                      archaeological sites and museums.
            C)  Regions can be defined by natural or artificial features.
                                                                   B)  Archaeologists  have traditionally relied  on laptop
            D)  Each region has particular features that make it different
                                                                      computers because they are durable enough to endure
               from the others.
                                                                      the harsh circumstances seen on dig sites.
            E)  Regions are an important and widely used concept in
                                                                   C)  Computational archaeology, that includes computer-
               many branches of geography.
                                                                      based analytical methods, can be considered a subfield
                                                                      of digital archaeology.
                                                                   D)  The pieces unearthed during the archaeological digs are
                                                                      combined and reassembled using these new technologies
                                                                      to form a cohesive whole.
                                                                   E)  Archaeological reconstruction in the physical world has
                                                                      always been an important tool for archaeologists and the
                                                                      public to participate in the archaeological imagination.

        6.  At the university level, the ability to think critically is
            an essential study skill. Undergraduates must be able
            to defend an argument against charges of bias, lack of
            supporting evidence, or incompleteness. _______ As
                                                               8.  Even if you live in the city and do not have a large garden,
            a result, all universities encourage their students to be
                                                                   you can enjoy garden-fresh and juicy tomatoes. The
            self-directed learners, and critical thinking is a crucial
                                                                   most crucial factor is to have a sunny patio or balcony to
            component of this. At the same time, developing critical
                                                                   expose the tomato plants to as much sunlight as possible.
            thinking skills at the earlier levels of their education lives
                                                                   Of course, careful planning is required when buying the
            will provide students with a competitive advantage when
                                                                   container, choosing the tomato variety, and caring for the
            they enter university, according to the research.
                                                                   plants. Tomatoes have an extensive root system. _______
            A)  Success in business and the workforce can be traced back   It will allow for good root development, making it simple
               to a person’s ability to think critically acquired early.  to maintain a healthy stem.
            B)  Success in such tasks, as in life, requires effective use of   A)  You can buy ready-made soil or make it yourself with
               language along with some measures of critical thinking.  potting soil and farmyard compost.
            C)  The students need to develop the ability to ask critical   B)  Light and water are essential for optimum tomato
               questions, assess credibility, and compare sources in a   development in pots and containers.
                                                                   C)  Indeterminate varieties yield fruit steadily, while the
            D)  This can be accomplished through critical thinking, which   determinate ones bear maximum fruits.
               will also assist you in developing strong arguments of your
                                                                   D)  Choose disease-resistant and indeterminate tomato
                                                                      seedlings if they are available.
            E)  Students who enter a profession such as management will
                                                                   E)  Deep plastic or fibreglass pot, therefore, should be
               probably be using their critical thinking skills.
                                                                      used for tomato plantation.

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