P. 170
2019 YDT 2020 YDT
5. Children’s furniture stresses the social position of the 7. Sociology is one of a number of social sciences which
child in relation to both the environment and to adults. attempt to understand and explain the behaviour of
_______ The very existence of children’s furniture human beings. Unlike some social sciences, it does not
promotes the child’s position because it is the property of confine itself to one particular area of society. _______ It
the child and it also physically occupies space – a choice is hard to think of any significant area of life which has
that excludes other furniture and reflects a priority, never been the subject of a sociological study.
stressing the child’s social importance. If a child has a
piece of furniture of his or her own, this acknowledges A) Indeed, sociologists are concerned with a vast range of
the status and rank of the child. The special form of topics including shopping, popular music, poverty, and
children’s furniture signals that childhood is considered migration.
an important period. B) In sociology, then, it is essential to understand the social
context in which human behaviour takes place.
A) Furniture made especially for children is not a modern
phenomenon but has existed independent of the ways in C) A change in society such as the introduction of new
which adult views of children have changed. technology can lead to new ways of behaving.
D) Socialisation is a lifelong process which continues as
B) Having an individual piece of furniture for children
people change their jobs or roles and as society itself
indicates the child’s status and the right to status in
C) Children’s furniture has historically been defined not just E) At the most basic level, sociology involves understanding
by scale but also by aesthetic purposes. the culture of the society in which social action occurs.
D) The design of children’s furniture is influenced by period,
material, form, function, pedagogical views, and children’s
games and status.
E) Of the children’s furniture that has survived from earlier
periods, chairs tend to show the most variety.
2019 YDT
6. Caffeine is a bitter substance found in the beans, leaves,
and fruits of plants, where it acts as a natural pesticide.
It is found in a wide variety of products, including coffee,
tea, soft drinks, candy, and desserts. Caffeine acts as
a mood enhancer and provides energy. _______ When
2020 YDT
heavy coffee drinkers reduce their caffeine intake, for
8. Microwave ovens do not directly cook food; what they do
example, they often report being irritable, restless, and
is heat water. The frequency of microwaves happens to
drowsy, as well as experiencing strong headaches, and
be just right for exciting water molecules. _______ Nearly
these symptoms may last up to a week.
all food contains water, but microwaves will not cook
A) While most experts feel that consuming small amounts completely dry food like cornflakes, rice or pasta.
of caffeine during pregnancy is safe, larger amounts of
A) Microwaves are a form of electromagnetic radiation that
caffeine can be harmful to the foetus.
sits on the spectrum between radio waves and infrared
B) It causes accelerated heart and breathing rates, and light.
increases in blood sugar accompanied by decreases in
appetite, thus it is used to stay awake and control weight. B) By spreading their energy evenly through food, the
microwaves heat the water in it and the hot water cooks
C) There are many mixed messages about caffeine in the the food.
media, and it can be difficult to find information that
C) Microwave cookery is similar to heating food in a normal
relates to you.
oven, except that the microwaves penetrate deeper and
D) Although food authorities list caffeine as a safe food more quickly.
substance, it has at least some characteristics of an D) The molecules in the centre of your soup are not heated
addictive substance.
any quicker than those on the outside.
E) For those who love and appreciate the flavour of good
E) Exciting the water molecules means that the food rarely
coffee, but would like to reduce their caffeine intake, there
gets much hotter than 100°C, at which water boils.
are options.