P. 165
Paragraph Completion-3
3. A Chinese pianist performed at Europe’s highest train station,
Boş bırakılan yere, parçada anlam bütünlüğünü sağlamak Jungfraujoch. _______ It is also the name of the significant
için getirilebilecek cümleyi bulunuz.
mountain of the Bernese Alps in central Switzerland, where
1. _______ For them, this is an incredible task. Instead of the station is situated. The musician sought to use music to
article authors, they have commentators. They write solely encourage cultural ties between China and Europe. He stated
on issues related to their area of expertise only two or three that it was the first time he had performed the piano on a
days a week at the most. However, there are a large number snowy mountain. He added that it was an extremely special
of authors with extensive knowledge and experience in our experience for him despite the challenging weather.
country. They express their thoughts on various topics,
A) His interpretation of some songs, such as ‘Love Dream’, and
publish articles, and even make judgements.
‘Jasmine Flower’ won warm applause from the audience.
A) Newspapers have different types of articles, each of which is B) He chose a certain song, hoping that the audience would be
written for its own purposes and with the unique style of the intrigued by Chinese culture through this exquisite oriental
writer. music.
B) Foreign authors are frequently astounded to learn that our C) Archaeological evidence shows that musical culture in China
article writers write in the newspaper daily. developed from a very early period, dating back to 9,000
C) Newspaper articles are used to give readers information years ago.
about the world around them that they need or desire to D) At a height of 4,158 metres above sea level, it is a well-known
know. picturesque destination and winter sports resort.
D) The language used in a magazine article should be clear, E) The term ‘piano’ is a shortened form of ‘pianoforte’, the Italian
plain, and appealing in order to make its readers follow it term for the instrument’s early 1700s variants.
E) If you are interested in writing for a school newspaper, you
should choose a topic that is close to students’ experiences
and interests.
2. Acid rain is caused by a chemical reaction when compounds
such as nitrogen oxides and sulphur dioxide are released
into the air. Human activities are the leading cause of acid 4. In 2018, astronomers uncovered an extraordinarily dense
rain. In recent decades, humans have released so many star that acts differently than any other star ever observed.
different chemicals into the air that the mix of gases in the They were aware that these types of celestial bodies already
atmosphere has changed. _______ In addition, exhaust existed and called them ‘ultra-long period magnetars’, which
fumes from cars, trucks, and buses release nitrogen oxides are a type of small neutron stars that are formed by the
and sulphur dioxide. These pollutants cause acid rain. collapse of a massive star’s core. _______ Surprisingly, the
object was so bright that it was noticed by an undergraduate
A) Sulphur dioxide and nitrogen oxides dissolve easily in water student while working on a project.
and can travel long distances in the wind.
B) Power plants release most of the sulphur dioxide and much A) However, no one anticipated finding one since experts
of the nitrogen oxides when burning fossil fuels like coal to believed such objects would be uncommon.
generate electricity. B) Therefore, neutron stars are the most common type among
C) A small portion of the sulphur dioxide and nitrogen oxides that currently known stellar objects.
cause acid rain is from natural sources such as volcanoes. C) Thus, it will enable them to investigate a previously unknown
D) When acid rain falls on Earth, the nitric and sulphuric acids population of neutron stars in our galaxy.
that make the particles acidic can land on structures and D) Furthermore, it is estimated that there are more than one
damage their surfaces. billion neutron stars in the Milky Way.
E) Renewable energy sources contribute to the reduction of E) Yet, neutron stars, known as magnetars, have the strongest
acid rain because they produce much fewer pollutants. magnetic fields that change electron energy levels.