P. 161

ENGLISH                                             2 ND
                                               Paragraph Completion-2

                                                               3.  In Mongolia, a remarkable celestial phenomenon occurred,
           Boş bırakılan yere, parçada anlam bütünlüğünü sağlamak   which seemed to be three suns in the sky at the same time.
           için getirilebilecek cümleyi bulunuz.
                                                                   _______ The others on either side were lesser reflections
                                                                   of the Sun in the centre. This optical phenomenon is known
        1.  The humanities can be described as the study of how
            people process and document the human experience.      as an anthelion.  It implies that the reflection is created by
            Since humans were able, we have used philosophy,       sunlight high in the sky and light travelling through snow
            literature, religion, art, music, history, and language to   crystals in the air, according to a local meteorological
            understand and record our world. _______ Knowledge     centre. The anthelion may occur when the temperature is
            of these records of human experience gives us the      below -30°C and the air is thick with clouds, vapour, and
            opportunity to feel a sense of connection to those who   ice crystals.
            have come before us, as well as to our contemporaries.  A)  The dispersion of light might look deceivingly similar to
                                                                      that of the actual sun.
            A)  These  modes  of expression  have  become  some  of
               the subjects that traditionally fall under the humanities   B)  The one in the middle was the real sun that we see every
               umbrella.                                              day.
            B)  These definitions are samples from a variety of sources   C)  Various atmospheric conditions may be responsible for it.
               and more than one nation–something like a starter kit on   D)  It showed up as a faint white speck on the parhelic circle
               the humanities.                                        opposite the sun.
            C)  Such expressions include language, music, art, literature,
                                                                   E)  This phenomenon was restricted mainly to the polar
               theatre, and poetry.
            D)  The humanities include ancient and modern languages,
               literature, philosophy, religion, and visual and performing
            E)  In contrast, the humanities are studies that use subjective   4.  One of the most defining features of Çatalhöyük is the
               and rational methods to investigate the human world.  gradual and continuous construction of their houses by
                                                                   the inhabitants. These houses were very important for
                                                                   every aspect of their lives, especially for physical, social,
                                                                   and religious elements. The houses at Çatalhöyük were
        2.  Finland is not satisfied with constantly being at the top   roughly rectangular and built so close that there was no
            of the world’s education leagues. The government is now   street between them. People wandering around the roofs
            planning to reform its education system so that young   were entering their houses through a hole opened in the
            Finns are better prepared for the digital age. _______ An   ceiling with the help of a wooden ladder. _______ The
            example  of this  would  be using  3D printers in  history   central rooms all had a hearth under the stairs, where
            classes so students can create models of ancient       people did their household chores, such as cooking. The
            buildings. The government also wants to promote        relatively higher platforms inside the rooms were used
            vocational training and encourage learning in real-life   for sleeping and other domestic activities. Under these
            work settings.                                         platforms, they buried the bodies of their dead people.
                                                                   The side rooms, on the other hand, were connected to the
            A)  Students’ performance would be evaluated by a      central room and were used as important storage areas.
               teacher as well as by an official from the company
               helping the student.                                A)  Çatalhöyük was a settlement in Central Anatolia 9,000
            B)  If we lead children to believe that the world is simple and   years ago.
               that if they learn certain facts, they are ready to go.  B)  The inhabitants of this settlement, which is one of the
            C)  The goal is for everyone to have an equal opportunity to   oldest settlements in the world, are also one of the first
               receive a high-quality education regardless of the family’s   agricultural communities.
               income.                                             C)  Excavations, which resumed in 1993 and continue to the
                                                                      present day, are led by Ian Hodder of the University of
            D)  A key part of the proposed reforms is to place as much
               emphasis on digital and workplace skills as on more
               traditional subjects.                               D)  Although all of the houses in Çatalhöyük were of different
                                                                      sizes and shapes, they generally have a common layout.
            E)  The  same subjects are  studied  in  upper  secondary
               schools as in comprehensive school, but the studies are   E)  Çatalhöyük was added to the UNESCO World Heritage
               more demanding and independent.                        List in 2012.

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