P. 164

ENGLISH                                                                                     3  STEP

        5.  The first-of-its-kind study, led by a team of researchers   7.  _______ It has made great progress since the beginning of
            from Canada’s University of British Columbia and       the 20  century as a result of theoretical and observational
            Vancouver Coastal Health, showed that a small implant   advancements. As a field of theoretical physics, it began
            infused with stem cells could help the body produce    with Einstein’s 1917 static model of the universe and was
            insulin on its own. In the study, a 25-cent-sized device   developed in its early days, particularly through the work
            was placed under the abdominal skin of fifteen patients   of Lemaitre. In the mid-1960s, cosmology was commonly
            with Type 1 diabetes. This device contains millions of   considered  to  be  a  field  of  philosophy.  However,  the
            cells that are produced from a single lab-grown stem cell   practice of atomic and nuclear physics and a series of
            line and are responsible for making insulin, the hormone   information coming from telescopes working across the
            that controls blood sugar. The patients in the study also   entire electromagnetic spectrum have transformed it
            stayed in the target blood sugar range 13 per cent longer,   into an extremely active area of mainstream physics and
            and some were able to reduce the amount of insulin they   astronomy.
            injected thanks to the implant. _______ However, the
            idea of implanting insulin-producing cells in a person   A)  One consequence of the cosmological principle is that
            with Type 1 diabetes and allowing those cells to produce   the universe cannot have an edge.
            some insulin has been described as a great step forward.  B)  Scientists build models or theories that try to describe the
                                                                      universe as a whole.
            A)  Insulin deficiency develops as a result of the destruction
                                                                   C)  Cosmology is the scientific analysis of what the universe
               of the pancreas for various reasons in the childhood age
                                                                      is like.
            B)  The study is not yet at a ready stage for comprehensive   D)  Space is not only infinite but also filled with many
               treatment, and everyone with diabetes.                 irregularities.
            C)  Patients experienced vomiting, abdominal pain, severe   E)  Astrologists study the movements of the planets and
               dehydration, and confusion.                            make assumptions about terrestrial events and human
            D)  Environmental factors are important in the development
               of diabetes.
            E)  It is treated with insulin, exercise, and dietary planning.

                                                               8.  When there is a significant shortage or lack of food for
                                                                   a large number of people, it is called a famine. During
                                                                   a famine, people suffer from hunger, malnutrition, and
        6.  Doing the laundry is an indispensable part of our lives;   starvation. Ireland experienced its worst famine in 1845
            however, washing and drying clothes can pose great     when  a  famine  called  ‘The  Great  Hunger’  occurred.  It
            environmental hazards. It often exploits a lot of resources   lasted until about 1852, but the worst years were between
            from the power and water used to the possibly harmful   1845 and 1849. A disease called blight was one of the
            chemicals in detergents. However, sustainable laundry   causes of the Great Irish Famine, which destroyed half of
            is not only about using colder water while washing,    the potato crop that year and three-quarters of the crop
            switching to an eco-friendly detergent, or asking hotel   during the next seven years. _______ Thousands suffered
            guests to use towels more than once. _______ That is to   from famine, and hundreds of thousands lost their lives
            say, it is about coming up with a comprehensive solution   due to the disease induced by malnutrition before the
            rather than just fixing one piece of the puzzle.       famine ended in 1852, with at least another million having
                                                                   to flee their countries as refugees.
            A)  Your laundry routine is an excellent place to start if you
               want to make environmentally friendly adjustments at   A)  The blight had a catastrophic impact on Ireland and its
               home.                                                  inhabitants because half the Irish population depended
                                                                      on the potato as a source of food.
            B)  Switching to new, low-water models of laundry machines
               instead of the older ones can help save detergent, water,   B)  Throughout the entire period of the Great Hunger, Ireland
               and energy on every load.                              exported enormous quantities of food to England.
            C)  Sustainable laundry practices can help save money on   C)  The Great Hunger was one of the first national disasters
               utility bills while also safeguarding the earth’s limited   to trigger an international fundraising campaign.
               natural resources.
                                                                   D)  The potato was  attractive because it  was a hardy,
            D)  Sustainable laundry entails considering all aspects of   nutritious, and high-calorie crop that was relatively easy
               conservation, such as reducing energy and water use    to grow in Irish soil.
               and focusing on eco-friendly techniques.
                                                                   E)  The devastating fungus was most common in areas
            E)  Traditional commercial laundry machines are notoriously   where the weather was unusually cool and damp, such
               wasteful, especially in terms of water consumption.    as Ireland.

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