P. 158
5. A dog’s nose is extremely strong, with up to 300 million 7. Following a complicated operation, one-year-old twin
sensors compared to a human’s meagre six million. sisters met each other for the first time at a medical centre
Military dogs, which were formerly deployed to guard in Beersheba, Israel. The twins, who were conjoined at the
soldiers, are now being taught to detect prostate cancer head, were split in a 12-hour process involving dozens of
in urine samples from patients. _______ However, it professionals from Israel and overseas who had spent a
doesn’t mean that you will be seeing dogs in hospital year organising the surgery. Doctors put inflated silicone
wards diagnosing patients because the team in Italy balloons into the girls’ skulls and occasionally expanded
wants to develop an electronic device that mimics the them to stretch the skin months before the procedure.
dog’s sense of smell. _______ Such a surgery had only been carried out twenty
times on the globe, and everything went off without a
A) Dogs are susceptible to the same health issues as hitch, much to the team’s delight.
humans are, such as diabetes, tooth problems, and
heart disease. A) This rare incident is estimated to be 1 in 49,000 to 1 in
189,000 births.
B) One of these dogs has even managed to detect the
disease in a patient in front of the medical team. B) There are two hypotheses on how conjoined twins grow.
C) Since domestication, selective breeding has C) Many conjoined twins may lose their lives soon after
substantially increased the size of the dog’s skeleton in delivery.
comparison to its wolf-like forebears.
D) After the skulls were repaired, the new skin was utilised
D) The components of a dog’s skull are the same to seal the girls’ heads.
regardless of breed type although the form of the skull E) Conjoined twins are usually classified based on where
differs significantly.
they are connected.
E) The dog is a famous example of a domestic animal that
most likely evolved through a commensal process.
6. Nikofor Ivanov lives in Yakutsk, a Siberian city 8. Reindeer wander freely in Finland, yet they frequently
constructed on permafrost some 450 kilometres south of end up on busy roadways. Every year, automobiles
the Arctic Circle, and he farms pearl-sized frost-resistant take around forty thousand reindeer’s lives. To avoid
apples. The apples can resist Siberia’s severe weather this, herders used to paint the antlers of reindeer with
conditions. They are crunchy like regular apples and taste neon colours and hang reflectors around their necks
like apples. Yakutsk’s winter temperatures can plummet to keep them safe, but today, like most things in life,
as low as -60 C, and the region has a sub-zero winter there’s an app for that, designed by Lapland’s Economic
environment for much of the year. _______ Scientists Development Centre. This software allows drivers to
first noticed it in the 1970s, when a new species of dwarf use GPS technology to report any reindeer sighted near
apple was introduced. roadways by tapping their smartphone screens. _______
A) Siberia has over 23.5 million hectares of arable land, A) Despite all the efforts and expenditures made in the field
accounting for roughly one-fifth of Russia’s total arable of technology to prevent vehicles from hitting deer, we
land area. could not save them.
B) Local plants have to adapt to such conditions by B) This system establishes a 1.5-kilometre warning zone
shrinking in size, growing close together low to the that lasts for one hour, and other app users are warned
ground, and remaining tiny, generally only a few if they enter the region.
millimetres tall. C) Drivers overspeeding on roads with high reindeer
C) The organic matter content in Siberian soils might be populations are subject to heavy fines.
very low, according to a recent agrochemical soil survey. D) In Finland, around 4,000 reindeer are hit by vehicles
D) The southern region of Siberia is dominated by each year.
agriculture and animal husbandry. E) The Reindeer Herders Association is working hard to
E) Yakutsk’s grain belt, which spans multiple soil-climatic reduce the number of accidents.
zones, is distinguished by a wide range of yearly rainfall.