P. 153
Paragraph Completion-1
3. _______ This is the result of a new modelling study
Boş bırakılan yere, parçada anlam bütünlüğünü sağlamak that examined the potential for local food production in
için getirilebilecek cümleyi bulunuz.
378 urban areas in the United States. The researchers
1. Being physically active is a ‘must’ to lead a healthy life. discovered that communities in the Northwest have the
A person needs at least 60 minutes of physical activity highest potential for self-sufficiency in food production.
a day. _______ Five or ten-minute sessions of physical Even if every acre of farmland was used for food
activities throughout the day will be enough for a person. production, cities on the East Coast and Southwest
These may include walking, jogging, running, and riding would not be able to meet all of their own food demands.
a bike. This makes sense because most cities are close to the
coast and have little space for agricultural development.
A) The benefits of physical activity outweigh the risks of
A) Many cities in the US could grow their own food locally,
getting hurt.
producing enough crops and livestock to meet the
B) Regular physical activity reduces your risk of developing
nutritional needs of all citizens.
B) To a point, the potential for local production improves
C) A dietician at any hospital can help you with your diet.
considerably as meat consumption decreases slightly.
D) It’s a type of exercise based on yoga and dance.
C) Climate change is not taken into consideration; instead, it
E) However, this does not have to be done at once. is based on present weather trends of regional areas.
D) This study will demonstrate what is feasible, which is the
first step toward change.
E) Therefore, it would need a massive shift in consumer,
store, farmer, and local government interests.
2. Professor Cooper has divided successful people into two 4. Dozens of farmers competed in northern Tudela, Spain,
categories: entrepreneurs and intrapreneurs. The former for the annual ‘ugliest tomato’ title. Participants mostly
often leave school early and have several business submit tomatoes of the Marmande type, popularly known
disasters. They have awkward personalities, but they are as the Tudela Ugly Tomato. _______ They said that they
very determined. _______ They are the children everyone did not purposefully plant unattractive tomatoes. Ugly
thought would do well. They are good organisers and get tomatoes appeared by happenstance, prompting the pair
on well with people. to enter the contest. The victorious couple received a
silver cup as their prize.
A) At school, we are told that gaining knowledge is all that
we need to do well in society. A) The ugly tomatoes appear by coincidence.
B) There are many courses and self-help manuals available B) A tasting of the quality and flavour of ‘regular’ tomatoes
to help you reach the top. are also part of the competition.
C) Success isn’t something which can be achieved by C) Farmers grow particularly ugly tomatoes for competition.
D) Marisol and Vincente Martinez were the winners of this
D) Other studies show there is little connection between how year’s competition.
well children do at school and the success they achieve
E) A viral video of this festival has been viewed more than
as adults.
half a million times on social media.
E) The latter, however, have risen up through the levels of