P. 140

ENGLISH                                                                                      1  STEP

         5.  Mike:                                              7.  Jamie:
            —  _______                                              —  Have  you  heard  that  there  was  a  terrible  fire  in  the
            Monica:                                                   theatre the previous night?  I was there.
            —  Really? If I were him, I would have given up already.  Amelia:
            Mike:                                                   —  Really? What bad luck! You must have been so scared.
            —  The most stubborn person I’ve ever seen. He said he’d   Jamie:
               try it one more time.                                —  _______
            Monica:                                                 Amelia:
            —  Oh, well! Better luck to him then!                   —  It must be the worst night of your life.

            A)  Charlie got the highest mark in the Maths exam again.  Jamie:
            B)  Do you want to apply for the project competition at the   —  Yes,  unfortunately,  it  was.  I  almost  got  crushed
               science fair?                                          underfoot.
            C)  It is the third time Eddy has failed his driving test.
                                                                   A)  Have you experienced such a terrible disaster before?
            D)  My best friend won his try-outs for the basketball team.
                                                                   B)  We were going to have some coffee after the play.
            E)  Danny and Gillian argued about the food again the other
                                                                   C)  Because the gas is highly explosive, it must be kept in
                                                                      special containers.
                                                                   D)  I wonder how much damage it has done to the theatre.
                                                                   E)  On hearing the alarm, everyone in the theatre rushed
                                                                      straight to the exit.

         6.  Robert:                                            8.  Principal:
            —  I am really excited to go to university next week, but I   —  One of your students came to class before everyone
               also feel a little nervous as I don’t know anyone.     else and released the fleas she brought in a jar. I had
            Steven:                                                   to have the whole school sprayed with pesticides.
            —  You’re an enjoyable person. I’m sure you’ll make new   Teacher:
               friends soon.                                        —  Yes, the other kids told me the story.
            Robert:                                                Principal:
            —  I hope you’re right. Your support is so precious to me.  —  Did they tell you who did it?
            Steven:                                                Teacher:
            —  _______                                              —  _______

            A)  Be careful. They may also think you are a silly boy.  A)  Let’s send children with allergies home.
            B)  No worries. Telling a funny story is a good way of breaking   B)  Unfortunately, no one knows who came up with this crazy
               the ice when meeting new friends.                      idea.
            C)  How long will you stay abroad for university? Have you   C)  I wish they put so much effort into their studies.
               bought a one-way or return ticket?                  D)  You had better remind them of the school rules one more
            D)  You can come to see us from time to time, right?      time.
            E)  When you meet new friends, please don’t forget us.  E)  I’m afraid I will have to set a parents’ meeting on Sunday.

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