P. 132
2021 YDT 2021 YDT
Under the Roman Republic, brickmaking, particularly in the region The skill of observing animals to aid our survival dates back
of Rome itself, became a major industry, and finally, under the millennia. Nearly 6,000 years ago, indigenous people of North
Empire, it became a state monopoly. Brick construction was America used their deep understanding of bison behaviour to
cheaper than stone due to the economies of scale in mass devise an efficient way to hunt. In modern times, our interest in
production and the lower level of skill needed to put it in place. animal behaviour comes with new insights and terminology. ‘Herd
The brick arch was adopted to span openings in walls. Mortar sourcing’, for example, borrows from the word: ‘crowdsourcing’,
had traditionally been composed of sand, lime, and water, but centres on using the collective intelligence of wildlife rather
but beginning in the 2 century BCE, a new ingredient was than people. Over the last few years, watching animals for the
introduced. The Romans called it pulvis puteoli after the town of clues they provide about the natural world has shifted from
Puteoli (modern Pozzuoli), near Naples, where it was first found. folklore to science. In 2013, for example, US scientists put to
The material, formed in Mount Vesuvius and mined on its slopes, the test the ‘old wives’ tale’ that cows lie down when rain is on
is now called pozzolana. When mixed with lime, pozzolana forms a its way. The researchers measured the core body temperature
natural cement that is much stronger and more weather-resistant of cattle and found that cows lie down when it is cold and stand
than lime mortar alone, and that will harden even underwater. up when it is hot to disperse heat. While it may not accurately
Pozzolanic mortars were so strong and cheap, and could be predict precipitation, it does show a link between cattle behaviour
placed by labourers of such low skill, that the Romans began to and the weather.
substitute them for traditional mortars inside walls. The concrete
made from pozzolana made it possible to create curved shapes 10. It is pointed out in the passage that observing animals
and led to the creation of a series of remarkable interior spaces _______.
spanned by domes and columns.
A) is not a recent trend
B) mostly benefitted indigenous people
7. Which of the following was one of the advantages of C) has shaped people’s ideas about the world
brick over stone? D) was more popular in hunting communities
A) It was more practical to use in construction than stone. E) can harm their environment
B) It was unique to Rome, which made brickmaking a state
C) It created a new type of job, which revived the economy.
D) It was easier to use given that Rome did not have enough
labour force.
E) It required a high level of skill, which improved construction.
11. One can understand from the passage that observing
animal behaviour _______.
A) has evolved into a more scientific practice than in the past
B) has always had a scientific basis
C) is a unique way of crowdsourcing
8. Why were pozzolanic mortars preferred to traditional D) has not changed in practice for the last millennia
mortars inside walls? E) provides valuable data for how to improve ‘herd sourcing’
A) They were more affordable and durable. techniques
B) The raw material came from Mount Vesuvius.
C) The Romans wanted to build constructions underwater.
D) They were prepared by professional workers.
E) The weather in the region was ideal for that material.
12. According to the research carried out by the US
scientists, _______.
A) there might be a connection between animal behaviour and
9. Which of the following could be the best title for the natural events
passage? B) cows do not like hot weather as much as cold weather
A) Interior Design of Roman Buildings C) old sayings about animals prove to be correct in some parts
B) The Expenses of Brickmaking of the world
C) The Handicaps of Pozzolana D) cows are affected by temperature and get more aggressive
D) A Short Global History of Brickmaking in the cold
E) Construction Materials in Roman Architecture E) it is hard to understand how cows can predict natural events