P. 131
Paragraph Comprehension-5
2020 YDT
Soruları verilen parçalara göre cevaplayınız. Influenced by the common misconception, films such as
2020 YDT Jurassic Park show dinosaurs with tough, leathery, rhino-like
People have often reported seeing animals, inanimate objects, skin, but it has since been proven that many dinosaur species
and people who have previously died. They may be ‘ghosts’ or were feathered. In a study, a group of scientists have analysed
‘angels’ and some involve quite complicated scenes or bizarre the fossilised remains of the bird-sized dinosaur Anchiornis,
situations. These are known as hallucinations. Some visual which lived 160 million years ago. The specimen has particularly
hallucinations are silent, but in some, people speak, often directly well-preserved feather details, a feature that is usually lost
to the individual experiencing the hallucination and give them during fossilisation. Covering its body, Anchiornis had unusual
specific commands. But why do hallucinations occur? There are contour feathers plumage not used in flight that were soft and
a number of psychological explanations for their occurrence. V-shaped, at around one to two centimetres in length. Longer
Freudians see hallucinations as projections of unconscious wishes flight feathers emerged in layers from all four of the animal’s
or wants. For example, what a person experiences as “real” in a limbs. Anchiornis seems to have needed extra flight feathers
hallucination is actually something they felt but could not express because theirs were not zipped together like a bird’s, and so
because it was felt subconsciously. Cognitive psychologists point generated less lift. Fossil feathers in particular are very hard to
to problems in cognitive processing, particularly metacognition, interpret for scientists because they are preserved as flat stains
which is concerned with the understanding of others’ behaviours. derived from the feather pigments. So, making an illustration of
However, it is the biological psychologists who focus most clearly the dinosaur was very tough, but the researchers worked closely
on the causes. They see hallucinations primarily as deficits in brain with a scientific illustrator and came up with the most accurate
states resulting from damage and chemical imbalances. They depiction of a dinosaur ever.
have been able to identify the chemical processes that lead to
hallucinations. Nevertheless, explaining why a particular individual 4. According to the passage, the skin of dinosaurs _______.
has a very particular hallucination remains something of a mystery. A) is generally believed to lack feathers but, in fact, many
dinosaur species had them
1. According to the passage, biological psychologists _______. B) was first discussed by the films like Jurassic Park before the
A) see hallucinations as the subconscious of an individual scientific community
with hidden wishes and desires C) started to change around 160 million years ago
B) claim that hallucinations may occur due to some physical D) had an internal structure that made it impossible for them to
or chemical problems in the brain fly
C) focus on seeing some spiritual concepts such as ghosts E) is agreed to be more feathered compared to birds
and angels resulting in bizarre situations
D) regard hallucinations as the projections of other people’s
behaviours and their misinterpretation 5. It is pointed out in the passage that the remains of Anchiornis
E) treat hallucinations by giving specific commands to an mentioned in the passage _______.
individual experiencing a hallucination A) were in good condition in terms of the feather details it had
B) were too small in quantity to come to a reasonable conclusion
about its flight capability
2. Which of the following is true about hallucinations? C) lost its fundamental and peculiar features during the
A) The majority of hallucinations involve situations that are fossilisation period
bizarre and complicated, according to cognitive psychologists. D) revealed that bird-sized dinosaurs had feathers tied together
B) Freudians have made the most detailed explanation about similar to birds’
the reasons for hallucinations. E) were ordinary in terms of both feathers and the colours that
C) Cognitive psychologists and Freudians share many they had
perspectives on hallucinations.
D) Freudians reject the idea that hallucinations are about one’s
consciousness and feelings. 6. According to the passage, the drawing of an Anchiornis
E) Despite finding out about the chemical processes involved _______.
in hallucinations, biological psychologists do not know why A) required a lot of work but resulted in the most realistic
individuals hallucinate in specific ways. dinosaur depiction so far
B) lacked the details showing the difference of flight feathers
from birds
3. What is the passage mainly about? C) inaccurately illustrated a bird-sized dinosaur to compare it
A) A historical overview of hallucinations to modern birds
B) Psychological approaches to the causes of hallucinations D) clarified that some dinosaurs were identical to today's
C) Types of hallucinations feathery birds in terms of feather structure
D) The psychological and physiological effects of hallucinations E) was largely influenced by the traditional depictions of
E) Cognitive processing and hallucinations dinosaurs by the film industry