P. 130

ENGLISH                                                                                   3  STEP-B

          2019 YDT                                               2019 YDT
          The Zapotec are a group of American Indians who live in the state   Occupational therapy is a branch of medical care aiming to improve
          of Oaxaca in southern Mexico. The Zapotec have lived in what is   the quality of life of patients through occupational pursuits – helping
          now known as Oaxaca since about 1500 BCE. In around 500 BCE,   them overcome disabilities resulting from illness, injury or age so
          they built their capital city known as Monte Alban. This city had   that they can carry out the activities they need to perform in order
          flat, step-style pyramids, temples, and very elaborate and ornate   to lead healthy and fulfilling lives. This means both giving them the
          tombs. Like the Zapotec people of today, the early Zapotec people   means and mobility to pursue occupations, and selecting activities
          were farmers. They also made fine pottery. In addition to this, they   that are therapeutic to their particular condition. For example, a
          carved writing onto slabs of stone. This was one of the earliest forms   patient learning to get around in a wheelchair might need structural
          of writing in the Americas. Zapotec lands once stretched from what   changes to their environment such as widening of doorways and
          is now Puebla – the state north of Oaxaca – to the Pacific Ocean.   fitting of ramps as well as a programme of physical exercise to
          But after around 500 AD, Monte Alban started to fall into ruin, and a   build strength in their arms and shoulders. Another patient, who
          people called the Mixtec took over the city. The Zapotec started to   has suffered a stroke, might be encouraged to try arts and crafts
          form a number of small kingdoms, but these were conquered by the   as a way to rebuild their manual dexterity skills. Occupational
          Spanish when they took over the region in the 1500s.   therapy has a long history, dating back to the 1  century BCE and
                                                                 the physicians of Ancient Greece. Today, it is still applied as an
                                                                 effective method of medical care.
        7.   What is true about the Zapotec people of today?
            A)  They still carve their writing onto slabs of stone.  10.  According  to  the  passage,  the  purpose  of  occupational
            B)  They have migrated out of the Oaxaca region towards   therapy is to _______.
               Puebla.                                             A)  help patients overcome certain physical issues so that they
            C)  They continue to live in Monte Alban to this day.     can lead better lives
            D)  They rely on farming just like their ancestors.    B)  motivate patients  so  that  they  can accept  their  particular
            E)  They are mostly of Spanish descent.                   condition
                                                                   C)  provide special treatment for patients who suffer from job-
                                                                      related illnesses
                                                                   D)  improve the quality of therapies by encouraging patients to
                                                                      work harder
                                                                   E)  enable patients to overcome their fear of getting involved in
                                                                      public life

        8.   According to the passage, the Zapotec people _______.
            A)  used to control a large region of land, but then something
               happened which caused them to abandon their capital and   11.  According to the passage, occupational therapy supports
                                                                   patients by _______.
               create smaller regions
            B)  were never a successful group of people and mainly stayed   A)  choosing therapeutic activities that are designed to meet
               in their capital until they were conquered by the Spanish  their specific needs
            C)  were migratory people who moved between Puebla and   B)  providing them with the wheelchairs they need to be able to
               Oaxaca looking for fertile land for farming            move
            D)  preferred to make pottery and farm rather than protect their   C)  helping them become physically strong enough to deal with
               land, which is why they were conquered by the Spanish  arts and crafts
            E)  allied themselves with the Mixtec people to control Monte   D)  preventing them from focusing on their disabilities with the
               Alban and protect themselves against the Spanish       use of certain medication
                                                                   E)  ensuring their participation in outdoor activities on a regular

                                                               12.  It  is  understood  from  the  passage  that  occupational
        9.   The main purpose of this passage is to _______.       therapy _______.
                                                                   A)  underestimates the importance of providing psychological
            A)  explain why the Zapotec no longer exist today
            B)  discuss the reasons why Monte Alban was an important
                                                                   B)  has been used as a method of treatment for a long period of
            C)  give some brief information about the Zapotec people  C)  combines techniques from different medical fields to help
            D)  talk about why the Zapotec were so successful in the past
            E)  contrast the Zapotec of the past with present-day Zapotec
                                                                   D)  is effective only when it is given together with medication
                                                                   E)  has evolved dramatically since the time of Ancient Greece

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