P. 127
Paragraph Comprehension-5
2018 YDT
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A new helmet display promises to give bikers eyes in the back of
2018 YDT their heads. The designer of the equipment states that the inherent
Consumers purchase products and services to experience certain problem with motorcycles is that the mirrors reflect a very small
emotional states or achieve emotional goals in a process called image and, because of the position of the mirrors, motorcyclists
emotional arousal. Emotions can create a feeling of pleasure or mostly just see their elbows. A small backlit display screen is added
satisfaction, but they can also give the consumer the perception onto motorcycle helmets with an adjustable arm which lets riders
that their purchase will help them avoid a feeling of displeasure. No place it just below or above their eye, in their peripheral vision. A rear-
matter what the purchase is, consumers must somehow associate facing camera attached to the back of the bike streams live video via
a positive emotional connection between a product and themselves. Wi-Fi to the helmet-mounted receiver. The images are processed
Positive emotions can include the fulfillment of a desire or the feelings and stabilised before they reach the display to accommodate for the
of safety and protection. Consumers also have both unexpressed bike’s movements. One glance at the display gives the rider a wide
and expressed emotions. It is important to understand the difference view of the road behind them. Although the screen is just next to the
between these emotions because if a consumer is purchasing but is user’s face, optics fool the eye into focusing at a more comfortable
not expressing any emotion toward a product, you may need to ask distance of around 3 metres. However, it is still suggested that users
more questions in order to reach the customer on a deeper level. should check their mirrors and do the lifesaver check, turning their
Doing so helps the consumers feel that they are somehow linked heads to check blind spots.
to your product and that it produces a favorable image of them.
This reaction evokes consumer identification with your product and 4. What is the problem regarding the motorcyclists’ vision?
motivates them to buy – and keep buying – your product. A) It is difficult for bikers to get a broad view of the road behind
them using only their mirrors.
1. How does buying something affect consumers’ emotions?
B) Fatal accidents cannot be prevented because of the limited
A) It gives consumers a feeling of achievement. use of mirrors.
B) It causes consumers to have damaging thoughts. C) Motorcyclists have difficulty adjusting mirrors to get images
C) It influences every decision is made by consumers before from the sides of the bike.
D) It leads to a condition of discomfort and misery. D) The body’s position on the motorcycle does not allow the biker
E) It results in a feeling of regret for purchasing too much. to see what is happening around him.
E) Mirror positions constantly need to be changed to follow traffic
2. It is very important to comprehend the difference between
unexpressed and expressed emotions because _______.
A) emotions are important in understanding why consumers
buy certain products
B) these expressions are evidence of how consumers can 5. It is understood from the passage that the helmet display
reach emotional goals _______.
C) when consumers identify themselves with a particular A) records the motorcycle’s movements
product, they keep buying it B) is placed directly below or above the mirror on the front of the
D) consumers need to get rid of any uncomfortable and unsafe bike
feelings C) views peripheral images and movements, though there is a
E) consumers make decisions based on perceptions rather delay in transmission
than reality
D) shows images of what is happening behind the motorcycle
E) fools motorcyclists’ eyes into thinking things are more than 3
metres behind them
3. Which of the following could be the main idea of this
A) It is important to evaluate the emotional needs of customers.
B) Consumers satisfy all of their needs by purchasing
products. 6. Which of the following could be the best title for the passage?
C) The motivational process begins with the need for a certain
product. A) New Helmet Technology for Rear Vision
D) Consumers are triggered by some specific emotions when B) Helmet Displays Replace Mirrors
buying a product. C) Image Processing through Helmet Displays
E) It is unclear whether emotions truly or falsely have an D) Mirrors versus Helmet Displays
impact on consumer behaviour. E) Lifesaver Check of a Motorcyclist