P. 125

ENGLISH                                             2
                                            Paragraph Comprehension-5

                                                                 Art is the expression of creativity and imagination through tools such
           Soruları verilen parçalara göre cevaplayınız.         as  music, dance,  sculpture, and  painting.  In  the  digitalising  world,
                                                                 the artist’s use of technological tools to express his feelings and
          Medical waste is a general name given to all wastes consisting of
          infectious, pathological, and penetrating-cutting wastes that occur   thoughts can be defined as digital art. It covers all branches of art
          during the processes in health units, such as hospitals, research   in which the artist uses technological devices to produce his works.
          institutions, and laboratories. It is a type of biological waste that is   The artist reveals his imagination and creativity by using computer
          often regarded as hazardous in its classification. Medical waste should   programs instead of the materials used in traditional methods. In order
          never be mixed with other types of waste and should not be disposed   for the artist to produce digital art in a quality manner, he must have
          of in the same environment. It can only be disposed of at facilities   hardware such as a computer, a camera, lighting tools, and some
          that have been officially approved, and institutions are not permitted to   computer programs. Its difference from traditional art is due to the
          dispose of their own garbage. Licensed vehicles and personnel collect   different equipment with which it is designed. For example, a painter
          duly sorted wastes and bring them to the disposal facility. In these   uses canvas in traditional art while producing his work. In contrast,
          facilities, methods such as sterilisation or incineration are used. Thus,   in digital art, digital tools such as a computer or a camera are used
          the risk of spreading the disease from hazardous wastes is eliminated.   in the design of the work. The concept of digital art covers a wide
          The gases formed during the incineration in the facilities are sent to a   range of applications, from graphic arrangements to reproduction and
          second combustion chamber to eliminate the micro-organisms that   copying of traditional art forms such as photography, sculpture, and
          may  pose  a danger.  The gases that emerge after  combustion are   painting. Moreover, many applications, from engineering construction
          passed through the filtration unit, which has the conditions specified in   to projects involving artificial intelligence, can be the subject of digital
          the regulations, before being emitted into the air.    art.

        1.   The  underlined  word  ‘hazardous’  in  the  passage  is  the   4.   It can be concluded from the passage that the most basic
            closest in meaning to  _______.                        similarity between a traditional artist and a digital artist
                                                                   is that  _______.
            A)  reliable
            B)  marvellous                                         A)  they try to produce their works in a quality manner
            C)  secure                                             B)  both have a very broad scope in the artistic sense
            D)  dangerous                                          C)  they have different workshops to produce their works
            E)  relevant                                           D)  the tools they use in practice are more or less the same
                                                                   E)  both use imagination and creativity to produce a work of
        2.   It can be inferred from the passage that _______.
            A)  medical waste can only be disposed of by institutions that
               have been authorised
            B)  sterilisation and incineration are the methods used in the   5.   Which  of  the  following  cannot  be  said  about  the
               process of disposing of medical waste               application areas of digital art?
            C)  it may not always be possible to  completely destroy   A)  Digital art can be utilised in projects, including artificial
               harmful microorganisms during the incineration process  intelligence applications.
            D)  there are regulations dictating how medical waste is to be   B)  Some areas of engineering may benefit from the utilisation
               disposed of without harming the environment            of digital artwork.
            E)  disposal facilities must be officially approved by health   C)  Digital art copies some traditional art forms such as
               authorities                                            photography, sculpture, and painting.
                                                                   D)  Music, dance, sculpture, and painting are the fields of art
                                                                      in which digital art can be performed.
        3.   Which  of  the  following  is  not  a  procedure  used  in  the   E)  Original works of the famous artist cannot be copied by
            disposing process of medical waste?                       any form of digital art.
            A)  Medical waste is stored separately from other types of
            B)  Hazardous microorganisms are filtered after having been   6.
               collected.                                          Which  of  the  following  could  be  the  best  title  for  the
            C)  Domestic and medical waste are disposed of in seperate   passage?
               environments.                                       A)  Art in the Digitalising World
            D)  Licensed  staff and  vehicles  collect  medical  waste  from   B)  Digital Art and Digital Artists
               health units.                                       C)  Revelation of Imagination and Creativity
            E)  Sterilisation and incineration are applied in the process of   D)  Digital World and Artificial Intelligence
               disposing.                                          E)  Quality of Digital Tools in Art

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