P. 124
The Spoonmaker’s Diamond is an eighty-six-carat pear-shaped Telescopes are devices used to observe objects too far away to
diamond that is the costliest single exhibit in the Imperial Treasury be seen with the naked eye. They collect significantly more light
at the Topkapı Palace Museum. It is regarded as the world's than the human eye, allowing for more detailed observations of faint
fourth-biggest diamond of its kind. According to one story, a poor objects at higher magnification and resolution. Optical telescopes,
fisherman in İstanbul was strolling aimlessly down the shore, the most common type of telescope, collect visible light rays from
empty-handed, when he came across a shiny stone among distant objects and focus them on obtaining magnified images of
the litter. After a few days of carrying it around in his pocket, he objects. However, some telescopes collect other kinds of radiation
stopped by the jewellers’ market and showed it to the first jeweller
he met. The jeweller gave the stone a casual glance and appeared that the human eye cannot detect, such as radio waves, X-rays,
unconcerned, adding, "It's a piece of glass; take it if you want, or I'll ultraviolet rays, and infrared. Although many people claim to have
give you three spoons. You brought it all the way here; at the very invented the telescope in different parts of the world, we know
least, make it worthwhile." What was the poor fisherman supposed that the first patent application was made by Dutch optician Hans
to do with this shard of glass? The jeweller felt sorry for him and Lippershey in 1608. For this reason, many historians cite Lippershey
gave him three spoons as compensation. The fisherman took the as the inventor of the telescope. Lippershey built the first telescope
spoons, leaving a great treasure in their place. It is stated that this by placing two lenses, one concave (the lens is thinner in the middle
is how the diamond got its name, ‘The Spoonmaker's Diamond’. A than the sides) and the other convex (the lens is thicker in the middle
vizier later purchased the diamond on behalf of the Sultan. Other than the sides), inside a long tube, and that telescope could magnify
legends claim that the name comes from the finder's occupation objects three times.
as a spoon manufacturer or that the diamond was given that name
because it resembled the bowl of a spoon.
10. According to the passage, how do optical telescopes get
the magnified view?
7. The underlined word ‘strolling’ in the passage is closest in
A) They collect radiation that the human eye cannot detect,
meaning to _______.
such as X-rays and infrared.
A) wandering B) They collect visible light by using a mirror, not a lens.
B) tolerating C) They collect and focus visible light rays from distant objects
C) suffering to produce enlarged images.
D) permitting
E) deceiving D) They use two convex lenses to get a better view with the
naked eye.
E) They observe infrared wavelengths by having a very large
8. According to the passage, which of the following can
be one of the legends that the name ‘the Spoonmaker’s
Diamond’ comes from?
A) The fisherman who found the diamond was walking around
with a wooden spoon around his neck.
B) The vizier sold the diamond to a wooden spoonmaker to
escape exile. 11. One can understand from the passage that Hans
C) A famous wooden spoon seller found the diamond while Lippershey _______.
strolling on the docks.
A) made the first telescope patent application
D) The man who happened to find the diamond used to make
B) forgot to apply for a patent on his telescope
spoons for a living.
C) used three lenses to magnify objects
E) The jewellers bought the diamond from the wooden
D) collected radiation such as X-rays and infrared
E) invented the telescope by using a single concave
9. According to the passage, which of the following makes
the Spoonmaker's Diamond a world-renowned diamond?
A) The belief that it resembles the bowl of a spoon upon its
12. What is the passage mainly about?
B) The size of the diamond which makes it unique in the world
C) A poor fisherman’s thinking that it was nothing but a trivial A) The function of the event horizon telescope
glass B) The first observatories and telescopes
D) The occupation of the person who was also deceived by a C) The high cost of large telescopes
jeweller D) The history and function of the telescope
E) The oval cuts that makes readers compare it with a spoon E) The use of the reflecting telescope