P. 21
2021 YDT
Verilen sorularda boş bırakılan yerlere uygun düşen sözcük
veya ifadeyi bulunuz. 5. The term ‘Geography’ formally applies to an academic
discipline that _______ the study of the Earth’s surface, its
2021 YDT
inhabitants, and more recently, its environment.
1. Governments around the world, in partnership with civil
A) attaches B) considers
society, must continue to act _______ against the tobacco
epidemic – the leading global cause of preventable death. C) occupies D) inhabits
E) encompasses
A) deficiently B) decisively
C) suspiciously D) adversely
E) roughly
2021 YDT
2. Serotonin is responsible for maintaining appetite, sleep, 6. With an appropriate calculation, the company _______
and mood balance, but a deficit of it _______ depression. 8 per cent of their budget to human resources so that
they could hire more qualified architects.
A) brings about B) takes over
A) allocated B) consumed
C) keeps on D) turns down
C) rented D) exempted
E) gives off
E) elevated
2021 YDT
3. The achievements of Sherlock Holmes, the most famous 7. While some experts attach credence to a utopian future,
fictional detective in history, derive from his _______ to others argue that human beings will eventually _______
balance the physical evidence of a case with the more most of their abilities and gradually become absorbed
challenging subjective truths into a single coherent into artificial intelligence-based organisms such as the
judgement. energy-creating machinery in our cells.
A) capability B) deception A) acquire B) strengthen
C) prejudice D) resistance C) consolidate D) relinquish
E) nomination E) abound
2021 YDT
4. In 1558, Queen Mary I of England was persuaded by her 8. In recent years, with _______ use of mobile phone
husband, King Philip II of Spain, to join him in a renewed telecommunication, concern about the possible health
war with France, which proved _______ for England hazards has increased greatly among the public and
as it led to the loss of Calais, England’s last foothold in scientists.
continental Europe.
A) negligible B) slender
A) compatible B) vulnerable
C) diminutive D) widespread
C) predictable D) disastrous
E) adequate
E) indicative