P. 25

ENGLISH                                             2

                                                               5.   A copycat brand, sometimes known as a ‘parasitic brand,’
           Verilen sorularda boş bırakılan yerlere uygun düşen sözcük   is the one that is _______ made similar to an established
           veya ifadeyi bulunuz.
                                                                   brand in the marketplace by mimicking or imitating it.
        1.   During the Emergency Health Services Week, the first-aid
                                                                   A) appropriately
            reaction to a traffic accident exercise was organised, and
            _______ bystanders watched the emergency drill and took   B) securely
            photos with their mobile phones.                       C) equally

            A) inquisitive                                         D) gradually
            B) enchanting                                          E) deliberately
            C) outstanding
            D) grumpy
            E) agreeable

        2.   Wolverines  are  particularly  vulnerable  to  temperature   6.   Graphene, which is frequently referred to as the ‘wonder
            increases  due  to  their  _______  on  snowfall  for  the   material,’ is 100 times stronger than steel and possesses
            construction of their natal nests.                     _______ electrical and mechanical properties, making it
                                                                   an appealing option for use in electronics.
            A) recession
            B) reliance                                            A) exceptional
            C) intuition                                           B) defective
            D) agreement                                           C) vulnerable
            E) stability
                                                                   D) improper
                                                                   E) affordable

        3.   When children pay attention to the input and continually   7.   The  Derinkuyu  Underground  City,  which  _______  to  a
            attempt  to  understand  what  is  presented  to  them,  a   depth of approximately 85 metres, is large enough to have
            _______ change occurs in their performances.           accommodated  up  to  20,000  people  with  their  livestock
                                                                   and food supplies sufficient to feed them for months.
            A) feasible
            B) coincidental                                        A) devises
            C) significant                                         B) resolves
            D) negligible
                                                                   C) appoints
            E) deficient
                                                                   D) induces
                                                                   E) extends

        4.   The technological changes in the last twenty years may   8.   Currently, fishing and related industries _______ 37 per
            have gone some way to improve the living standards, but   cent  of  jobs  on  Zanzibar  Island,  with  the  remainder  in
            they have sometimes led us to spend _______.           farming and animal husbandry.
            A) extravagantly                                       A) take after
            B) regressively                                        B) break off
            C) accurately                                          C) settle down

            D) coherently                                          D) account for
            E) infectiously                                        E) figure out

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