P. 29

ENGLISH                                              1

                                                               5.   St. Petersburg _______ a symbol of the rise of a centre
           Verilen  sorularda  boş  bırakılan  yerlere  uygun  düşen   of power and money when a 300-metre tower built for the
           sözcük veya ifadeyi bulunuz.
                                                                   national gas giant _______ in the forthcoming years.
        1.   When comparing the hottest cities in the world, it is fair to   A) had been / had gone up
            say that no city is _______ extreme _______ Yuma, which has
                                                                   B) is going to be / will go up
            rather hot summers, warm winters, and often less than 10
                                                                   C) will be / goes up
            inches of precipitation per year.
                                                                   D) was / went up
            A) such / that              B) both / and              E) would be / was going up
            C) so / that                D) the most / of
                          E) as / as

        2.   Such countries as Japan, China, Russia, and the United   6.   A study carried out in 2020 _______ that 1.67 million people
            States have set up stations, ready for warning signs   _______ because of air pollution in 2019 including almost
            _______ show the weakening of rock layers before       17,500 in Delhi, adding that India had 14 of the world’s 15
            an earthquake in areas of their  countries  _______    most polluted cities.
            earthquakes are known to occur.
                                                                   A) had found / died
            A) which / whose                                       B) has found / die
            B) where / which                                       C) found / would die
            C) that / where                                        D) found / died
            D) that / whose                                        E) finds / will die
            E) when / that

        3.   Marketing, sometimes _______ distribution, includes all   7.   _______ the world’s population grows and climate change
            the business activities _______ with the movement of   intensifies droughts, the need for fresh water is going to
            goods and services from the producers to customers.    grow more acute.
            A) calling / connecting                                A) Although
            B) being called / having connected                     B) Moreover
            C) calling / being connected                           C) While
            D) called / connected                                  D) Unless
            E) having called / connected                           E) As

        4.   _______ by two Frenchmen, the scuba consists of a   8.   Having adapted themselves to almost all types of living
            mouthpiece joined to one or two tanks of compressed air   conditions, insects have been _______ successful in their
            _______ the divers the opportunity to stay under water for   fight for life _______ they are often said to be the only rivals
            longer hours.                                          of humans for the control of the earth.

            A) Having invented / given                             A) as / as
            B) Invented / giving                                   B) whether / or
            C) Inventing / giving                                  C) so / that
            D) Being invented / being given                        D) both / and
            E) Having been invented / having given                 E) such / that

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