P. 27

ENGLISH                                             3 RD

                                                               2019 YDT
           Verilen sorularda boş bırakılan yerlere uygun düşen sözcük
           veya ifadeyi bulunuz.                               5.   By  messing  with  the  balance  of  microorganisms  in  the
                                                                   body and by killing too many of the good bacteria in your
        2018 YDT
                                                                   gut, antibiotics may have certain _______ effects on your
        1.   Invented  by  the  Chinese  in  the  9   century,  gunpowder   health.
            rapidly became a _______ factor in battle.
                                                                   A) prevalent                B) negligible
            A) crucial                  B) complicating            C) damaging                 D) consistent

            C) provable                 D) virtual                                E) abundant
                          E) limiting

        2018 YDT                                               2019 YDT

        2.   It  is  difficult  to  say  _______  when  people  first  started   6.   In  crime  scene  investigation,  forensic  science  _______
            to  make  rope  because  very  few  early  examples  have   evidence that may link a suspect to a crime or prove him
            survived until today.                                  or her innocent.
            A) eventually               B) importantly             A) initiates                B) accelerates

            C) exactly                  D) consistently            C) precedes                 D) counters
                          E) partially                                            E) provides

        2018 YDT                                               2020 YDT
        3.   The continents are the major land masses of the Earth and   7.   Although  considering  how  someone  may  react  to  a
            _______ around 29 per cent of the planet’s surface.    situation  can  be  worthwhile,  making  _______ about
                                                                   another person’s behaviour may lead you to the wrong
            A) threaten                 B) occupy
            C) maintain                 D) initiate
                                                                   A) promises                 B) assumptions
                          E) provide
                                                                   C) mistakes                 D) priorities
                                                                                  E) compliments

        2019 YDT                                               2020 YDT
        4.   As soon as the computer was invented, a growing _______   8.   By the time psychology came into its own as an _______
            for  computers  by  scientists  and  engineers  evolved,   discipline after separating from philosophy, the scientific
            and numerous universities started their own projects to   revolution was two centuries old.
            produce them in the 1940s.
                                                                   A) offensive                B) artificial
            A) isolation                B) concern
                                                                   C) inadequate               D) independent
            C) awareness                D) demand
                                                                                  E) outdated
                          E) variety

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