P. 31

ENGLISH                                             2

                                                               5.   In 1 of 19,000 surgeries involving general anesthesia, a
           Verilen  sorularda  boş  bırakılan  yerlere  uygun  düşen   patient _______ conscious, which sounds even more
           sözcük veya ifadeyi bulunuz.
                                                                   frightening when you think what if this _______ to you.
        1.   Photosynthesis is the process _______ green plants    A) should stay / happens
            produce carbohydrates, using the energy of sunlight.
                                                                   B) may stay / had happened
            A) whose                    B) by which                C) may have stayed / would happen
            C) on which                 D) in them                 D) could stay / happened
                          E) where                                 E) must stay / will happen

        2.   The report tells the story of how China became an   6.   Wild elephants are a common sight in Thailand’s national
            economic power _____ a scale unfamiliar _____ history.  parks and its surrounding areas, and farmers sometimes
                                                                   report incidents of their fruits and corn crops _______ by
            A) through / at
                                                                   a hungry herd _______ around their field.
            B) with / from
                                                                   A) eaten / to wander
            C) for / with
                                                                   B) eaten / wandering
            D) at / by
                                                                   C) having eaten / having wandered
            E) on / in
                                                                   D) being eaten / wandered
                                                                   E) having been eaten / being wandered

        3.   Organ transplantation has been a breakthrough in saving   7.   In countries _______ sunsets and sunrises are too close to
            people’s lives as it _______ a medical procedure in which   one another, less than three hours apart, rulings _______
            an organ _______ from one body and placed in the body   allow Muslims to follow the timings of the closest city with
            of a recipient to replace a damaged or missing organ.  distinguishable days and nights have been issued.
            A) was / had been removed                              A) where / that
            B) is / is removed                                     B) that / of which
            C) had been / will be removed                          C) in which / how
            D) will be / was removed                               D) from which / that
            E) is / has been removed                               E) whose / when

        4.   When Dwayne’s father noticed _______ determined   8.   Although the first social media websites _______ with
            Dwayne was, he agreed _______ his son would be trained   a focus on the individual user and forming personal
            for wrestling and that he would also get a good education.  connections with friends or new acquaintances, in the
                                                                   past few years the role of social media _______ from
            A) what / that
                                                                   individuals to businesses.
            B) which / what
                                                                   A) had been developed / has been expanding
            C) how / that
                                                                   B) used to develop / expanded
            D) that / how
                                                                   C) were developed / has expanded
            E) who / where
                                                                   D) have developed / would expand
                                                                   E) were being developed / expands

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