P. 34

ENGLISH                                                                                      3  STEP

        9.   Scientists working on forecasting the global changes   13.  Higher education _______ much more accessible to
            _______ that a greenhouse effect _______ the temperature   students in the last few decades thanks to the widespread
            dangerously over the next 75 years or so.              use of the Internet, without which disadvantaged students
                                                                   _______ behind their peers.
            A) have claimed / boosted
            B) claimed / will boost                                A) is becoming / would have fallen
            C) claim / has boosted                                 B) became / were likely to fall
            D) would claim / was to boost                          C) has become / could fall
            E) claimed / would boost                               D) becomes / can fall
                                                                   E) will become / might be falling

        10.  Archaeologists _______ the remains of a 7,200-year-old   14.  _______ business-to-customer e-commerce, in which
            female skeleton- a relatively intact fossil- in Indonesia,   sales are made between a business and a customer,
            which _______ to a person aged 17 or 18, never found   business-to-business e-commerce encompasses sales
            anywhere in the world up to the present time.          between a manufacturer and a wholesaler or retailer.

            A) discovered / will belong                            A) Similar to
            B) have discovered / belonged                          B) Apart from
            C) are discovering / belongs                           C) In terms of
            D) had discovered / has belonged                       D) Unlike
            E) discover / is belonging                             E) In addition to

        11.  Europe and Central Asia have the highest social protection   15.  Thanks to the developments in technology, the number
            coverage rates, with 84 per cent of people _______ by at   of digital encyclopedias, _______ on CD-ROM and the
            least one social protection, _______ by the Americas, at   Internet, _______ that of printed encyclopedias in the
            64.3 per cent.                                         twenty-first century.
            A) covering / following                                A) producing / has been surpassing
            B) covered / followed                                  B) having been produced / surpassed
            C) having covered / followed                           C) produced / has surpassed
            D) being covered / following                           D) to be produced / had surpassed
            E) to be covered / to be followed                      E) to produce / will surpass

        12.  Since our childhood, we have been told _______ stories   16.  Most  European  countries witness  large  flows  of
            by our parents or grandparents, and _______ of them,   family  migrants, _______ arrive with some delay, and
            whether we are aware of it or not, must have left an impact   consequently this situation arises the question of _______
            on our personality.                                    this process affects their integration into the host country.
            A) many / every                                        A) which / why
            B) a number of / either                                B) many of whom / how
            C) a lot of / both                                     C) who / what
            D) several / each                                      D) some of which / the fact that
            E) most / none                                         E) whom / whether

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