P. 37

ENGLISH                                             2

                                                               5.   Trees help support the natural ecosystem and _______
           Verilen  sorularda  boş  bırakılan  yerlere  uygun  düşen   vital for combatting global warming and climate change,
           sözcük veya ifadeyi bulunuz.
                                                                   and the extinction of a single tree species _______ the
        1.   As the Hawthorn effect means that people tend to behave   loss of many others.
            differently when they believe they _______, researchers   A) consider / may prompt
            _______ this into consideration as they design their
                                                                   B) are considered / could prompt
                                                                   C) were considered / would have prompted
            A) are being observed / must take                      D) considered / will prompt
            B) were observed / had to take                         E) have been considered / must have prompted
            C) are observed / must have taken
            D) had been observed / should have taken
            E) will be observed / could have taken

        2.   The Cold War rivalry between the United States and   6.   The woman in the mosaic named Gypsy Girl _______ in
            the  Soviet  Union  lasted  _______  decades  and  resulted   the Mosaic Museum in Antakya _______ to be Gaia, the
            _______ mutual suspicions and international incidents   earth goddess in Greek mythology.
            that led the two superpowers to the brink of a nuclear
                                                                   A) to be exhibited / thought
                                                                   B) being exhibited / is thought
            A) over / to                B) for / in                C) exhibited / has been thinking
            C) on / from                D) in / on                 D) exhibiting / is being thought
                          E) at / for                              E) to have exhibited / was thought

        3.   The company has launched a campaign against genetic   7.   An influencer recommended a group of teenagers on
            engineering in agriculture and for promoting healthy   social media _______ an entirely littered outdoor space
            living _______ humanity and nature.                    and upload before and after pictures of the area to social
                                                                   media _______ a hashtag.
            A) in spite of              B) in addition to
            C) for the sake of          D) in case of              A) to clean / using
                          E) as opposed to                         B) to have cleaned / having used
                                                                   C) to clean / to use
                                                                   D) cleaning / using
                                                                   E) to be cleaned / to be using

        4.   According to the State of the World’s Trees report, 17,500   8.   Drones, the remote-controlled and helicopter-like devices
            tree species- some 30 per cent of the total- are at risk of   that are used for taking high-quality photographs _______
            extinction _______ the efforts  of the researchers who   the sky, are extremely popular _______ not only professional
            have long been trying to stop this process.            but also amateur photographers.

            A) when                                                A) from / among
            B) due to                                              B) out of / between
            C) even if                                             C) in / of
            D) in case of                                          D) over / for
            E) despite                                             E) above / along

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