P. 39

ENGLISH                                             3

                                                               5.   Writer’s burnout is a kind of problem that even the very
           Verilen  sorularda  boş  bırakılan  yerlere  uygun  düşen   best writers experience, and _______ writers take some
           sözcük veya ifadeyi bulunuz.
                                                                   time off and get busy with their hobbies for some time, they
                                                                   are highly unlikely to overcome it.
        2020 YDT
        1.   Scientists  conducting  research  to  shed  light  on  the   A) in case
            possible causes of several mental disorders _______ a link   B) when
            between lack of normal gut bacteria and brain development
                                                                   C) whereas
            changes that _______ schizophrenia.
                                                                   D) unless
            A) had observed / used to cause                        E) only if
            B) have observed / could cause
            C) will observe / should cause
            D) observed / should have caused
            E) are observing / had to cause                    6.   Distraction is the process of diverting the attention of an
                                                                   individual or group _______ a desired area of focus and
                                                                   thereby blocking or diminishing the reception _______
        2021 YDT                                                   desired information.
        2.   _______ being the second largest oil-producing state in   A) into / with
            the US after Alaska, Texas is rich in iron ore, magnesium,
                                                                   B) from / of
            uranium and other minerals.
                                                                   C) away / to
            A) In terms of                                         D) across / for
            B) As opposed to                                       E) along / by
            C) As well as
            D) In spite of
            E) Rather than

                                                               7.   Through advertising, some products, which _______
        3.   _______ the extent, timing and characteristics of rising   the  attention  of  customers  otherwise,  _______  in  great
            inequalities differ throughout OECD countries, there is   numbers.
            one common feature, and it is rising wage dispersion and
                                                                   A) couldn’t attract / must be sold
            increasing job polarization.
                                                                   B) should not attract / had to be sold
            A) As long as
                                                                   C) may not attract / could be sold
            B) Unless
                                                                   D) wouldn’t attract / can be sold
            C) Even if
                                                                   E) aren’t supposed to attract / should be sold
            D) Suppose that
            E) Only if

        4.   Later monarchs _______ in underground tombs dug   8.   Game theory, whose roots _______ back to the book The
                                                                   Theory of Games and Economic Behaviour, _______ an
            into rock cliffs once it became evident that the pyramids
                                                                   important role in such fields as economics, international
            _______ adequate security for the mummified remains of
                                                                   relations, moral philosophy, political science, social
            the kings and were easy targets for grave robbers.
                                                                   psychology, and sociology.
            A) have been buried / haven’t provided
                                                                   A) have been traced / is playing
            B) would have been buried / hadn’t provided
                                                                   B) were traced / plays
            C) were buried / didn’t provide
                                                                   C) trace / had played
            D) had been buried / wouldn’t have provided
                                                                   D) are traced / has been playing
            E) were being buried / wouldn’t provide
                                                                   E) have traced / played

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