P. 43

ENGLISH                                             2

                                                               5.   Within the scope of TEKNOFEST Aviation, Space and
           Verilen  sorularda  boş  bırakılan  yerlere  uygun  düşen   Technology Festival, the first of which was held in
           sözcük veya ifadeyi bulunuz.
                                                                   2018, _______ people from all over the world applied for
        1.   _______ being a traditional practice in hot regions and   _______ competitions held in different categories.
            countries like Spain, siesta also helps the body freshen   A) several / any
            up itself remarkably.
                                                                   B) a great number of / many
            A) Though                                              C) none of / a lot of
            B) Since                                               D) a great deal of / much
            C) Only if                                             E) some / a little
            D) Even
            E) As well as

        2.   According to Fred Genesee, a professor of psycholinguistics,   6.   It is high time we _______ action against all forms of
            children simply need ______ to a different language for at   violence in society to ensure social peace; for this reason,
            least 30 per cent of their waking hours so that they ______ it.  we _______ educated people and preventive punishments.

            A) being exposed / may acquire                         A) took / need
            B) to expose / have to acquire                         B) had taken / are needed
            C) exposing / must acquire                             C) take / have needed
            D) to be exposed / can acquire                         D) are taking / have needed
            E) to be exposing / should acquire                     E) have been taking / have been needed

        3.   Thanks to the 3D-printed micro-robotic animals, which   7.   Due to the lack of control and inadequate enforcement
            _______ recently, it _______ possible to reduce the side   in the online world, parents _______ leave children alone
            effects of the chemotherapy drugs by delivering them   there; moreover,  they  _______  be  on  alert  against the
            directly to cancer cells.                              harassment of malicious people.
            A) was developed / might be                            A) are not supposed to / must
            B) have been developed / would be                      B) could have / should
            C) had been developed / can be                         C) should not / might
            D) are being developed / should be                     D) cannot / may
            E) will be developed / could be                        E) used to / have to

        4.   In  the Netherlands,  where 21 per cent of its population   8.   Supposing robots with artificial intelligence _______ the
            lives in lands below sea level, people manage to overcome   world, _______ it be possible to get over?
            the challenges _______ from living in such a storm-prone
                                                                   A) take over / could
            delta by _______ creative solutions.
                                                                   B) are going to take over / will
            A) resulted / being generated
                                                                   C) have taken over / might
            B) resulting / generating
                                                                   D) took over / would
            C) to result / having generated
                                                                   E) were taking over / may
            D) to be resulting / generated
            E) having resulted / to be generating

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