P. 40

ENGLISH                                                                                      3  STEP

        9.   If your wisdom tooth erupts _______ an awkward angle   13.  _______ there had been earlier discussions of the
            and misaligns _______ the gums, it needs to be removed   possibility of Earth’s motion, Nicolaus Copernicus, a Polish
            to avoid any injury.                                   astronomer, was the first to propose a comprehensive
                                                                   heliocentric theory that was equivalent in scope and
            A) on / into
                                                                   predictive power to Ptolemy’s geocentric system.
            B) out / off
            C) at / with                                           A) As
            D) in / from                                           B) Despite
            E) to / for                                            C) Since
                                                                   D) However
                                                                   E) Although

        10.  Green growth is about fostering economic growth and   14.  The contributions of the French philosopher René
            development while ensuring _______ natural assets      Descartes in the seventeenth century to mechanics, like
            continue to provide the resources and environmental    his contributions to the scientific endeavour as a whole,
            services _______ our well-being relies.                were _______ concerned with problems in the foundations
                                                                   of science _______ the solutions of specific technical
            A) who / where
            B) that / on which
            C) whose / in which                                    A) either / or
            D) which / when                                        B) as / as
            E) why / with which                                    C) so / that
                                                                   D) more / than
                                                                   E) such a / that

        11.  It was not until 1905 when Bulgarian microbiologist Stamen   15.  In recent years, many companies have tried to solve the
            Grigorov _______ lactobacillus bulgaricus, the bacterial   hearing loss problem and develop a product that is _______
            strain fermenting milk into yoghurt, that yoghurt _______   technologically advanced _______ affordable to anyone
            for mass production.                                   who wants to improve their quality of life at a saner price
                                                                   than what has been offered so far.
            A) discovered / had been made
            B) was discovered / made                               A) neither / nor
            C) had discovered / was made                           B) so / but
            D) had been discovered / is being made                 C) both / and
            E) discovered / has been made                          D) either / or
                                                                   E) more / than

        12.  _______ parasocial relationships, Donald Horton and R.   16.  _______  educated people  get,  _______  they will  be  able
            Richard  Wohl  also  introduced  the  concept  of  parasocial   to assimilate new information so that they can form new
            interaction, which they defined as the approximation of   abilities and become familiar with new technologies.
            ‘conversational give and take’ between a media user and
                                                                   A) Not only / but also
            media persona.
                                                                   B) When / then
            A) Despite                                             C) The more / the more
            B) Along with                                          D) Neither / nor
            C) While                                               E) Either / or
            D) Additionally
            E) Much as

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