P. 36

ENGLISH                                                                                       1 STEP

        9.   _______ being a symbol of smartness and professionalism,   13.  They _______ along the Dores to Foyers route on a rainy
            neckties may be harmful to your health since bacteria may   night in 1979 when they _______ something unusual
            be transmitted through them.                           crossing the road.

            A) Because                                             A) were travelling / noticed
            B) Due to                                              B) had travelled / had noticed
            C) Despite                                             C) travelled / have noticed
            D) In order to                                         D) are travelling / will notice
            E) For                                                 E) have travelled / notice

        10.  Your parasympathetic nervous system is activated when   14.  Pumpkin Pie is a traditional American holiday dessert
            you breathe deeply, _______ acts like a brake and calms   consisting _______ pumpkin-based custard and served
            your body down.                                        _______ whipped cream.

            A) of which                                            A) for / on
            B) that                                                B) on / of
            C) when                                                C) of / with
            D) which                                               D) along / for
            E) whose                                               E) with / on

        11.  Some fugitives _______ by the local guards, and more   15.  When tourists began to discover the Aegean coast in
            special forces _______ to the island last Saturday.    the  1980s,  they  _______  back  the  tales  of  the  beautiful
                                                                   beaches and a cream-filled cake that _______ anywhere
            A) caught / sent
            B) were caught / were sent
            C) have been caught / have sent                        A) brought / could not be found
            D) are caught / had been sent                          B) have brought / cannot be found
            E) catch / have been sent                              C) bring / may not be found
                                                                   D) had brought / didn’t use to be found
                                                                   E) were bringing / has to be found

        12.  _______ the noise is not too loud to wake us, it might   16.  In  summer,  _______  humidity  reaches  its  highest  level,
            impair our sleep.                                      most people living in the south move to the highlands
                                                                   until autumn.
            A) Provided that
            B) As long as                                          A) where
            C) Unless                                              B) when
            D) Even if                                             C) that
            E) Lest                                                D) who
                                                                   E) how

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