P. 33

ENGLISH                                             3

                                                               2020 YDT
           Verilen  sorularda  boş  bırakılan  yerlere  uygun  düşen   5.
           sözcük veya ifadeyi bulunuz.                            Recently, the genome of an archaic human female _______
                                                                   a group called the Denisovans, who lived about 41,000
        2021 YDT                                                   years ago, has been sequenced _______ a new method
        1.   The moment the first stars _______ is one of the most   of DNA research.
            evocative milestones in the evolution of the cosmos – it   A) for / by             B) from / with
            marks the beginning of the age of light, the moment when
                                                                   C) in / onto                D) among / beyond
            the Universe _______ recognisable to us.
                                                                                  E) towards / over
            A) were born / would have become
            B) are being born / might become
            C) had been born / will become
            D) are born / should become
            E) would have been born / could have become
                                                               6.   The ideal of a united Europe _______ only by philosophers
                                                                   and  forethoughtful  people  before  it  _______  a  genuine
                                                                   political project and turned into a long-term objective in
                                                                   government policies of countries.
        2021 YDT
        2.   Much research suggests that _______ its core, Alzheimer’s   A) has been embraced / becomes
            disease may be a metabolic disorder, an irregularity in   B) embraced / became
            fuel use _______ the brain, a process that loses efficiency   C) was embraced / had become
            with age.
                                                                   D) had been embraced / became
            A) in / from                B) to / with               E) had embraced / had become
            C) on / for                 D) at / by
                          E) under / against

                                                               7.   Margaret Chase Smith was the first woman _______ her
                                                                   name _______ in nomination for president at a major party
                                                                   convention and to serve in both houses of Congress.
        2021 YDT
        3.   Food is portrayed in a judgemental way _______ the    A) to get / place
            media, and some popular diets use expensive ingredients   B) to have / placing
            that are not kind _______ the environment.
                                                                   C) getting / placed
            A) over / for               B) as / across             D) having / to place
            C) from / at                D) in / to                 E) to have / placed
                          E) with / on

        2021 YDT                                               8.   Every time you _______ a step, the bones in your hips
        4.   Researchers believe positive musical tones activate the   _______ to force between four and five times as much as
            brain by encouraging the release of dopamine, helping   your body weight.
            spark new ideas more than quiet, _______ experts suggest
                                                                   A) take / subject
            we are better at problem-solving if we work in silence.
                                                                   B) are taken / are subjected
            A) likewise                 B) so                      C) took / subjected
            C) but                      D) since                   D) have taken / have been subjected
                          E) for example                           E) take / are subjected

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