P. 30

ENGLISH                                                                                       1 STEP

        9.   Kafka’s  highly  imaginative  works  have  been  associated   13.  The success of animals depends on their ability _______
            _______ such intellectual movements as expressionism,   the most appropriate food from the resources available at
            surrealism, and existentialism, but he could not place himself   a given time and _______ food in a complex environment.
            _______ any particular creed, class, or ethnic group, and his
                                                                   A) being selected / to have predicted
            writings do not belong to any particular literary school.
                                                                   B) to select / predict
            A) as / for                                            C) selecting / having predicted
            B) with / in                                           D) to select / predicting
            C) for / at                                            E) to be selected / to be predicted
            D) in / with
            E) to / into

        10.  In the new exam structure, each question _______ in two   14.  When painkillers are taken daily and more frequently,
            booklets so that both tests _______ together effectively to   they _______ their effect over time, so they _______ very
            give a single measure of subject performance.          often unless necessary.

            A) uses / should be analysed                           A) may lose / should not be used
            B) has been used / may have analysed                   B) have to lose / must not be used
            C) used / could analyse                                C) could be losing / cannot have been used
            D) is used / can be analysed                           D) might lose / were not supposed to be used
            E) was used / could have analysed                      E) should have lost / would not be used

        11.  While pandemics _______ people’s lives physically, it is   15.  _______  non-starchy  vegetables  and  fruits,  such  as
            meaningful _______ the emotional and social influences that   peaches, apricots, and green leafy vegetables _______
            stem from such a crisis, as well.                      weight loss.

            A) may devastate / observing                           A) Having eaten / must promote
            B) should devastate / to be observing                  B) To be eaten / can promote
            C) can devastate / to observe                          C) Being eaten / would promote
            D) could have devastated / having observed             D) To eat / should promote
            E) could devastate / to have observed                  E) Eating / may promote

        12.  Biopsychology, sometimes referred _______ as physiological   16.  China’s food output was reported to be the greatest in
            psychology, behavioural neuroscience, or psychobiology,   the world, _______ from nearly 5 million tonnes to about
            draws  on  many  different  disciplines  _______  experimental   9 million tonnes between 2010 and 2012.
            psychology, biology, physiology, and cognitive psychology.
                                                                   A) to rise
            A) from / as
                                                                   B) to be risen
            B) to / like
                                                                   C) rising
            C) into / such as
                                                                   D) risen
            D) at / unlike
                                                                   E) to have been risen
            E) with / as if

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