P. 28

ENGLISH                                                                                      3 RD  STEP

        2020 YDT                                               13.  In  response  to  the  growing  importance  of  artificial
                                                                   intelligence technologies, many businesses have _______
        9.   _______, the Universe was too energetic for stars to form,
                                                                   new projects in order not to fall behind in the process of
            but  as  it  expanded  and  cooled,  it  became  possible  for
            gravity to form clumps of gas.
                                                                   A) sorted out
            A) Initially
                                                                   B) embarked on
            B) Frankly
                                                                   C) turned down
            C) Virtually
                                                                   D) followed through
            D) Ultimately
                                                                   E) pulled over
            E) Merely

        2020 YDT
        10.  Mobile learning, the role of which in education is becoming   14.  Quantum  mechanics,  known  as  the  probability  laws  of
            quite  important,  is  often  applied  outside  classrooms  to   the universe, postulates that there is a probability of two
            _______ the learning that takes place inside classrooms.  particles crossing the Coulomb barrier and fusing even
                                                                   at  room  temperature;  but  according  to  Hansen,  this  is
            A) enhance
                                                                   _______ improbable.
            B) insist
                                                                   A) impatiently
            C) require
                                                                   B) illiterately
            D) suspect
                                                                   C) unconsciously
            E) provide
                                                                   D) inconceivably
                                                                   E) insensitively

        11.  The primary goal of advertising is to _______ the public to   15.  Trying to overshadow other people’s achievements is a
            buy a product in the most memorable way possible.      very common trait among those who cannot accept their
                                                                   own _______ and failure.
            A) take up
                                                                   A) mediocrity
            B) break down
                                                                   B) indulgence
            C) make out
                                                                   C) sufficiency
            D) cope with
                                                                   D) moderation
            E) get round
                                                                   E) flawlessness

        12.  It is anticipated that driverless automobiles, or autonomous   16.  The  longer  the  decision  to  put  a  natural  area  under
            vehicle  technology,  can  help  _______  traffic  accidents,   protection, the more likely it will continue to _______ and
            fatalities, congestion, fuel consumption, and pollution caused   finally be destroyed.
            by vehicles.
                                                                   A) decompose
            A) diminish
                                                                   B) deteriorate
            B) prompt
                                                                   C) advance
            C) astound
                                                                   D) accelerate
            D) stimulate
                                                                   E) benefit
            E) enchant

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