P. 23

ENGLISH                                              1 ST

                                                               5.   Bibliotherapy  is  a  therapeutic  _______  using  literature,
           Verilen sorularda boş bırakılan yerlere uygun düşen sözcük   usually  alongside  more  traditional  types  of  therapy,  to
           veya ifadeyi bulunuz.
                                                                   help people overcome personal challenges and promote
                                                                   mental well-being.
        1.   For  cyclists  and  motorcyclists,  wearing  protective
            helmets ought to become _______ by law since most fatal   A) alteration
            accidents involve either of them.
                                                                   B) tendency
            A) exceptional
                                                                   C) negligence
            B) mandatory                                           D) benefit

            C) remarkable
                                                                   E) approach
            D) deliberate
            E) redundant

        2.   Eye drop solutions must be stored in an airtight container   6.   Viking,  also  called  Northman,  was  a  member  of  the
            and discarded after fourteen days in order to _______ any   Scandinavian seafaring warriors who raided and colonised
            bacterial growth.                                      large parts of Europe from the 9  to the 11  century and
                                                                   whose  _______  influence  profoundly  affected  European
            A) inhibit                                             history.
            B) sustain
                                                                   A) disruptive
            C) forbid
                                                                   B) beneficial
            D) achieve
                                                                   C) temporary
            E) promote
                                                                   D) virtual
                                                                   E) stabilising

        3.   The  dunes  in  Liencres,  historically  used  to  shelter  and   7.   Empowering and educating citizens to act _______ in order
            feed  livestock  during  cattle  round-ups,  are  _______  as   to reduce plastic waste and use alternative options for plastic
            one of the last natural reserves in northern Spain.    must be promoted and enforced.

            A) dealt with                                          A) randomly
            B) taken out                                           B) collaboratively
            C) held back                                           C) suspiciously
            D) looked at                                           D) strangely
            E) sorted out                                          E) deficiently

        4.   Since it is a well-known fact that bacteria show _______   8.   Endorphins,  the  body’s  natural  feel-good  chemicals,
            to typical antibiotics over time, researchers have finally   _______ feelings of pleasure, well-being, and pain relief,
            introduced the next generation of antibiotics to deal with   making them an essential component of a balanced and
            the problem.                                           happy life.

            A) disturbance                                         A) alleviate
            B) significance                                        B) suppress
            C) prevalence                                          C) enlarge
            D) occurrence                                          D) stimulate
            E) resistance                                          E) maintain

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