P. 32
9. _______ rotavirus was discovered in 1973, its importance 13. Generally, people living alone _______ to tackle their
is still not widely known within the public health loneliness by joining a club or a society so that they
community, particularly in developing countries. _______ the opportunity to socialise by passing time with
other lonely people.
A) Because
B) Despite A) were advised / would have
C) Since B) are advised / can have
D) Although C) advised / used to have
E) Even if D) has been advised / must have
E) advise / could have
10. _______ mathematicians have smart electronic 14. Experimental food _______ from petroleum, seaweed, and
computers, they can easily solve very complex problems other surprising raw materials for the time being, so in 100
that they could never do a few years ago. years’ time, people _______ accustomed to eating it.
A) Supposed that A) has been produced / have got
B) Although B) is produced / have got
C) Until C) was produced / will get
D) As though D) is being produced / will have got
E) Now that E) will be produced / will be getting
11. After _______ steadily for almost a century, standards of 15. Female mosquitoes bite humans to drink tiny amounts of
education in the public schools of Europe have come to their blood and leave an amount of saliva behind _______
a standstill because of the different crises _______ all the they can produce their eggs.
A) supposing that
A) rise / having affected B) even if
B) risen / affected C) since
C) rising / affecting D) so that
D) to rise / being affected E) such that
E) to be rising / to affect
12. If a piece of a comet, after breaking off, _______ the Earth’s 16. It is a less-known fact _______ airports are evaluated
atmosphere, it _______ excessively and explode before it by criteria _______ assess accessibility, check-in
landed on Earth. opportunities, security, food and beverage areas, shopping,
and design.
A) entered / would heat
B) enters / could heat A) that / that
C) had entered / would have heated B) whether / that
D) has entered / has heated C) that / who
E) would enter / is going to heat D) how / which
E) why / whose