P. 48

ENGLISH                                                                                       1 STEP

        9.   According to many sources, the Lydians were the first   13.  As draining the cooking oil into the sink can damage the
            people _______ the use of coins for commerce and trade.  entire  sewer  system,  it  is  advisable  to  _______  the  oil
                                                                   _______ after cooking and pour it into a container such
            A) introducing
                                                                   as a glass jar.
            B) to be introduced
            C) having introduced                                   A) get / cool
            D) to introduce                                        B) have / to cool
            E) being introduced                                    C) make / to cool
                                                                   D) let / cool
                                                                   E) get / to cool

        10.  When my sister browsed through the instruction manual   14.  Since Sir Edmund Hillary reached the summit of Mount
            of  the  device and could  not  find  the problem,  she  had   Everest in 1953, _______ many people have tried it
            _______ choice except for calling the authorised technical   _______ this Himalayan beauty is slowly turning into a
            service.                                               pile of scum.

            A) other                                               A) as / as
            B) another                                             B) such / that
            C) no other                                            C) so / that
            D) the other                                           D) so / as
            E) the others                                          E) such / as

        11.  The famous journalist has published a book, in which   15.  If we _______ the terms of the contract with the landlord,
            she has revealed the truth about a former actor, which he   all the decorations in the room _______ by the end of the
            _______ she kept the secret.                           month.

            A) prefers                                             A) will meet / are finished
            B) would prefer                                        B) had met / are being finished
            C) would like                                          C) are to meet / will have been finished
            D) would rather                                        D) have met / will be finished
            E) would love                                          E) met / would have been finished

        12.  Mercury is _______ planet to complete its orbit tour   16.  If the information that Göbeklitepe was a place of worship
            around the Sun compared to other planets since its orbit   is correct, it is _______ the  oldest settled  living  area
            is _______ those of others.                            _______ a religious place in human history.

            A) the fastest / the shortest                          A) whether / or
            B) the faster / the shorter                            B) either / or
            C) faster / shorter                                    C) so / that
            D) the fastest / shorter than                          D) neither / nor
            E) fastest / more shortly                              E) both / and

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