P. 52

ENGLISH                                                                                      3  STEP

        9.   Cuba, _______ in the list of the United Nations as one   13.  The  first  step  in  the  fight against  climate  change  is  to
            of the only countries in the Caribbean that have ended   reduce  human-induced  carbon  emissions  as soon  as
            deforestation, is an island, 22 per cent of which _______   possible; _______, carbon emissions can be caused not
            in green from palms and pines to mangroves and ceiba   only by humans but also by the respiration of living things
            trees.                                                 and during the decomposition of organic materials.
            A) being included / covers                             A) however
            B) to be included / covered                            B) furthermore
            C) included / is covered                               C) as a result
            D) having included / has covered
                                                                   D) in the meantime
            E) including / is covering
                                                                   E) that is

        10.  Toxoplasmosis is a disease caused _______ the     14.  There _______ over 6 million indigenous people living in
            infection of Toxoplasma gondii, one of the most common   the Brazilian Amazon by 1500 AD; however, in the 1900s,
            parasites on Earth, which is usually passed on _______   less than 250,000 indigenous people _______ living in the
            undercooked meat, touching the faces of infected cats, or   Amazon.
            pregnancy from mother to child.
                                                                   A) were / are left
            A) by / through                                        B) have been / will be left
            B) with / from                                         C) had been / were left
            C) of / in                                             D) would be / had been left
            D) off / with                                          E) used to be / have been left
            E) to / into

        11.  The brain is commonly considered to be a very     15.  French lawmakers _______ to end the use of wild
            comprehensive  and  sophisticated computer;  _______,   animals in live circus shows recently, _______ an end to
            some psychologists and neuroscientists say that our    performing tigers, lions, or bears.
            brain cannot be a computer, which is an oversimplified
                                                                   A) had voted / to put
            and downright misleading metaphor.
                                                                   B) have voted / putting
            A) on the grounds that
                                                                   C) would vote / having put
            B) consequently
                                                                   D) vote / to be put
            C) in addition
                                                                   E) voted / being put
            D) otherwise
            E) on the other hand

        12.  The energy transformation project is supported by many   16.  Considered to be the largest octopus species in the world,
            countries in terms  of protecting the environment and   the giant Pacific octopus can grow _______ 30 feet across
            producing reliable energy from sustainable sources,    and has an extra brain _______ each of its arms.
            _______ decreasing energy consumption levels and
                                                                   A) to / in
            creating new job opportunities for people.
                                                                   B) for / on
            A) for fear of                                         C) with / by
            B) contrary to                                         D) off / from
            C) thanks to                                           E) at / of
            D) in spite of
            E) in addition to

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