P. 53
5. Vitamin needs fluctuate depending on the organism; for
Verilen sorularda boş bırakılan yerlere uygun düşen example, humans get vitamin C from their food, ______
sözcük veya ifadeyi bulunuz.
dogs can manufacture all the vitamin C they require.
1. Even if we considerably ______ carbon emissions over the A) even
next decade, more than a third of the world’s remaining
B) so
glaciers ______ by 2100.
C) while
A) would reduce / will disappear D) and
B) have reduced / would disappear E) once
C) reduced / disappeared
D) will have reduced / disappear
E) reduce / will have disappeared
6. Climate change will possibly threaten ______ bird species
2. The concept of phubbing, which is a blend of the words with extinction in the near future, although ______
‘phone’ and ‘snubbing’, ______ as ignoring one’s of them have already been experiencing its negative
companion or companions ______ attention to their consequences.
phone or other mobile devices.
A) many / several
A) should be defined / having paid B) all / every
B) will be defined / paying C) each / few
C) can be defined / to pay D) every / any
D) is defined / being paid E) both / some
E) has been defined / pay
7. To help reduce global emissions, start in your home by
3. A tourist can be impressed ______ London’s most
saving electricity by ______ plugging appliances into one
picturesque gardens and parks, which are famous ______
power strip ______ turning them off entirely when not in
their lush greenery, lake views, and bird noises.
use, including the computer.
A) with / on
A) both / and
B) by / for
B) either / or
C) on / with
C) so / as
D) for / by
D) neither / nor
E) to / of
E) whether / or
4. The two most common indicators of attention deficit are 8. ______ initial research on coffee suggested that it could
a lack of enthusiasm and interest in the class; ______, cause health concerns, current research shows that
this problem can be eliminated by modifying teaching drinking coffee has several health benefits.
A) However
A) otherwise B) Therefore
B) furthermore C) Because
C) therefore D) Although
D) for example E) Supposing
E) however