P. 51

ENGLISH                                             3

                                                               5.   Even though four hundred years have passed since
           Verilen  sorularda  boş  bırakılan  yerlere  uygun  düşen   William Shakespeare’s plays, the stories they tell are
           sözcük veya ifadeyi bulunuz.
                                                                   still _______ exciting and relevant _______ they were to
                                                                   Shakespeare’s audience.
        2020 YDT
        1.   Computers may be able to beat us in specific activities;   A) as / as
            _______, it will be a long time before we see a robot with   B) whether / or
            human-like versatility.
                                                                   C) so / that
            A) moreover                 B) thus                    D) either / or
            C) likewise                 D) instead                 E) the more / the more
                          E) however

        2019 YDT
                                                               6.   It is crucial that new methods _______ in order to
        2.   Any mental exercise helps cognition _______ building,
                                                                   increase students’ success because the characteristics
            lengthening,  or  strengthening  the  pathways  that  carry
                                                                   of generations _______ constantly.
            information _______ neurons.
                                                                   A) to apply / were changing
            A) in / upon                B) at / with
                                                                   B) be applied / are changing
            C) off / from               D) towards / beneath
                                                                   C) having been applied / have been changing
                          E) by / between
                                                                   D) applied / are changed
                                                                   E) applying / were changed

        3.   _______ on the ship’s bridge and _______ by screens
            relaying information from dozens of sensors, Diana Kidzhi,
            the first female chief to lead a nuclear-powered icebreaker   7.   India  _______ of  28 states  and  eight union  territories
                                                                   three of which _______ partial statehood, with elected
            ship to the North Pole, sets the path the giant Russian vessel
                                                                   legislatures and executive councils of ministers, having
            will take through the frozen waters of the Arctic Ocean.
                                                                   reduced powers.
            A) Having stood / surrounded
                                                                   A) has composed / were given
            B) Standing / surrounded
                                                                   B) was composed / gave
            C) Stood / surrounding
                                                                   C) is composed / have been given
            D) Having been standing / having surrounded
                                                                   D) compose / are given
            E) Stood / being surrounded
                                                                   E) has been composed / have given

        4.   _______ once regarded as a time  of uninterrupted
            ignorance, superstition, and social oppression, the
            Middle Ages are now understood as a dynamic period   8.   Native to some parts of Asia, spinach is believed _______
            _______ which the idea of Europe as a distinct cultural   in ancient Persia, from where it _______ to India, Nepal,
            unit emerged.                                          and China.

            A) Although / during                                   A) originated / had been introduced
            B) Even though / before                                B) to be originated / has been introduced
            C) Hence / during                                      C) originate / is introduced
            D) Since / before                                      D) to have originated / was introduced
            E) However / after                                     E) originating / will be introduced

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