Page 292 - 3 Steps YDT English
P. 292


        53.  The  effectiveness  of  cognitive  behavioural  therapy  for
                                                                 54. - 58. sorularda, verilen durumda söylenmiş olabilecek
            various  psychological  problems  has  been  researched   sözü bulunuz.
            more  extensively  than  any  other  psychotherapeutic
                                                               54.  Your friend is planning a hike in an area which is well-
            A) Cognitive behavioural therapy is one of the most
                                                                   known  for  wild  animals,  such  as  bears,  wolves,  and
              comprehensively researched psychotherapeutic
                                                                   snakes. Because of the dangers they pose, you want to
              approaches, and it has proven effective for numerous
                                                                   warn your friend to be careful, so you say: ----
              psychological problems.
            B) There are a large number of psychological problems   A) That area is known to have wild animals. Hope you can
              for which cognitive behavioural therapy is effective, as   see some of them!
              opposed to other psychotherapeutic approaches which   B) You know there are wild animals in that area. Don’t call
              have been investigated broadly.                         me if you get into trouble.

            C) Much more research has been conducted on whether    C) Take your camera so you can be sure to capture any wild
              cognitive behavioural therapy is successful in handling   animals you see on film.
              a variety of psychological problems, compared to other   D) Stay alert while you’re there, and especially look out for
              psychotherapeutic approaches.                           wild animals in the area.
            D) A greater number of psychological problems are      E) Don’t worry if you see any wild animals. I’m sure if you
              effectively tackled by cognitive behavioural therapy than   ignore them, they’ll ignore you.
              any other extensively researched psychotherapeutic
            E) The more researchers have investigated the
              effectiveness of cognitive behavioural therapy, the more
              accurately they have been able to compare it to other
              psychotherapeutic approaches.

                                                               55.  Your friend is shopping for a dress for the school prom
                                                                   and has just tried on a dress which is really ugly. She
                                                                   likes  the  dress  so  much,  but  when  she  asks  you  your
                                                                   opinion of the dress, you want to tell her the truth. So
                                                                   trying not to offend her, you say: ----
                                                                   A) I don’t think that’s a good choice of dress for the school
                                                                      prom. Why don’t you try some others?
                                                                   B) To be honest, the dress looks great on you. But isn’t it a
                                                                      bit revealing?
                                                                   C) I can’t say anything really. You know I have a poor taste
                                                                      in fashion.
                                                                   D) It’s too expensive for such a plain and unattractive dress.
                                                                      Don’t you think so?
                                                                   E) Your parents would never allow you to put on that dress
                                                                      for the prom. Let’s keep looking for a better one, shall

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