Page 295 - 3 Steps YDT English
P. 295
2022 YDT (ÖSYM)
61. History can be written from many different viewpoints. 62. How do humans and the environment affect each other?
A 19th-century European writing shortly after the French There are three key concepts to the interaction between
Revolution is likely to have very different interests humans and the environment: humans adapt to the
from a Chinese bureaucrat living in the 2nd century environment; humans modify the environment; and
BCE, or a 10th-century Muslim traveller. Moreover, the humans depend on the environment. ---- For example,
interpretation of facts is always open to dispute, and clearing a forest for farming produces food, but also
historians often disagree about how one fact is linked destroys trees. Burning coal provides energy, but also
with another. ---- The perspective of chroniclers such as pollutes the air.
the French scholar Geoffrey Villehardouin on the Fourth
A) Most of the changes people make on the environment
Crusade, is very different from that of his contemporary
are intentional, such as building wide tunnels through
on the opposing side, the Arab historian Ibn al-Athir.
A) Throughout history itself, we see evidence of different B) Humans have always had a huge impact on the
ideas about the same events. environment, by changing or trying to blend in with their
B) History is an incomplete puzzle, made up of fragments surroundings.
from the evidence that is available.
C) The environment provides food and shelter to humans
C) Names for eras and ages may not necessarily have been and various sources of energy to maintain their lives.
used at the time, but now they serve to break down the D) Some particular actions that humans carry out have
past into convenient blocks. pluses and minuses for them and the environment.
D) We can never directly experience the past – we can E) The environment can shape laws, customs, lifestyles,
never know how it felt to be a gladiator fighting in the and economic activities of humans to a great extent.
Colosseum of ancient Rome.
E) Historians ask not only ‘what happened?’, but also ‘why
did it happen?’ and ‘what were the consequences?’.
63. Mixing the metals copper and tin creates bronze. Bronze,
like other mixtures of metals, is called an alloy. Bronze is
harder and stronger than copper. ---- For these reasons
bronze is often used to make tools and machinery.
Bronze is also used to make electrical hardware, springs,
fasteners, and coins. Bronze has been the most popular
metal for making statues and other artistic objects since
ancient times.
A) Bronze also changes colours when exposed to air and
B) Bronze is also used for making life-sized sculptures of
people and animals.
C) It also does not wear away as easily as either copper or
D) The earliest bronzes date back to the late 4th millennium
E) Bronze is the traditional name for a broad range of alloys
of copper.