Page 298 - 3 Steps YDT English
P. 298


                                                               72.  Kardeşler  arasında  belirli  bir  miktar  rekabet  kaçınılmaz
           70.  -  75.  sorularda,  verilen  Türkçe  cümleye  anlamca  en
           yakın İngilizce cümleyi bulunuz.                        olsa da bunun şiddetini ve çocuklar üzerindeki potansiyel
                                                                   etkilerini  azaltmak  için  ebeveynlerin  alabileceği  bazı
                                                                   önlemler bulunmaktadır.
        70.  Çoğumuz  D  vitamini  ihtiyacımızı  karşılamak  için  güneş
            ışığına bağımlıyız ve yeterli miktarda güneş ışığı, besin   A) Even though rivalry between siblings cannot be avoided
            takviyesi olmadan bütün ihtiyacımızı karşılayabilir.      to a certain extent, parents can take some measures that
                                                                      help to decrease the level of its severity and its potential
            A) The sunlight can be sufficient for our need of vitamin   effects on children.
              D, so most of us depend on it other than dietary
                                                                   B) Although a certain amount of rivalry is unavoidable
              supplements to supply our entire requirement.
                                                                      between siblings, there are some measures that parents
            B) Most of us depend on sunlight for meeting our vitamin   can take to reduce its severity and its potential effects on
              D needs and sufficient sunlight can supply our entire   children.
              requirement without dietary supplements.
                                                                   C) The intensity of sibling rivalry and its potential effects
            C) For the majority of us, sunlight is enough for meeting our   on children can be reduced by parents by taking some
              vitamin D needs and we can depend on it to supply our   measures, while it is not possible to avoid a certain
              entire requirement without dietary supplements.         amount of it.
            D) In order to meet our entire vitamin D requirement, most of   D) Rivalry between siblings is inevitable to some extent, but
              us depend on sunlight that can supply it sufficiently and   parents can control its severity and its potential effects on
              do not take any dietary supplements.                    children through some measures.
            E) All of us depend on sunlight to get our vitamin D and   E) There exists some parental measures that can lessen
              enough exposure to sunlight can supply our entire       the intensity of sibling rivalry and its potential effects on
              requirement so there is no need for dietary supplements.  children despite the inevitability of a certain amount.

        71.  Deprem  sırasında  çeşitli  sismik  dalgalar  gezegenimize   73.  Felsefe,  yüzyıllardır,  gözlemle  çözülemeyecek  önemli
            yayılır  ve  bunların  hızı  ve  yönünü  belirlemek,  yer   soruların cevaplarına yaklaşmanın tek yolu olarak kabul
            kabuğunun   haritalarını   yapmak   ve   gelecekteki   edilmektedir.
            depremlerin  ne  kadar  yıkıcı  olabileceğini  tahmin  etmek
                                                                   A) Coming closer to answers to important questions that
            açısından gereklidir.
                                                                      cannot be resolved through observation, philosophy has
            A) The speed and direction of various seismic waves that   been regarded for centuries as the only way to deal with
              travel through our planet during an earthquake are      them.
              essential to make maps of Earth’s crust and predict how   B) Regarded as the only way to come closer to answers
              disastrous the future strikes can be.                   to important questions, philosophy has acknowledged
            B) During an earthquake various seismic waves travel      for centuries that they cannot be resolved through
              through our planet, and determining their speed and     observation.
              direction is essential for making maps of Earth’s crust
                                                                   C) Philosophy is regarded as the only way to come closer
              and predicting how devastating the future strikes may be.
                                                                      to answers to important questions that have not been
            C) By determining the speed and direction of various      resolved through observation for centuries.
              seismic waves that travel through our planet during an   D) Philosophy has been acknowledged for centuries as
              earthquake, it is possible to make the essential maps   the only way to come closer to answers to important
              of Earth’s crust and predict how catastrophic the future   questions that cannot be resolved through observation.
              strikes can be.
                                                                   E) Regarding the important questions that have not been
            D) During an earthquake, the speed and direction of various
                                                                      resolved through observation for centuries, it has been
              seismic waves that travel through our planet can be
                                                                      acknowledged that the only way to come closer to their
              determined, and this is essential for making maps of
                                                                      answers is philosophy.
              Earth’s crust and predicting how catastrophic the future
              strikes could be.
            E) During an earthquake, it is essential to determine the
              speed and direction of various seismic waves travelling
              through our planet, which is important for making maps
              of Earth’s crust and predicting how disastrous the future
              strikes might be.

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