Page 299 - 3 Steps YDT English
P. 299
2022 YDT (ÖSYM)
74. Tip 1 diyabet hastalığı, vücut yanlışlıkla pankreastaki
76. - 80. sorularda, cümleler sırasıyla okunduğunda
insülin hormonunu üreten hücreleri yok ettiğinde ortaya
parçanın anlam bütünlüğünü bozan cümleyi bulunuz.
A) Type 1 diabetes occurs when the body accidentally 76. (I) In a study called ‘Food Art Does Not Reflect Reality’,
destroys the cells in the pancreas that produce the researchers from Cornell University’s Food and Brand Lab
hormone insulin. analysed American and European paintings of family meals
B) When the cells in the pancreas producing the hormone between the years 1500 and 2000. (II) The study compared
insulin are accidentally damaged by the body, Type 1 how frequently a food item was depicted in art with how
diabetes develops. commonly it was consumed. (III) Drawings in cappuccino
C) The body’s accidental destruction of the cells in the foam and artfully-staged overstuffed hamburgers, for
pancreas that release the hormone insulin results in Type instance, showed that social media is an endless feed for food.
1 diabetes. (IV) Although lobster, hazelnuts and lemons were quite rare,
they were particularly popular. (V) This art, they discovered,
D) If the body accidentally damages the cells in the was used to show off wealth or talent than to display the food
pancreas that release the hormone insulin, it is very likely actually eaten.
that Type 1 diabetes arises.
E) Type 1 diabetes manifests itself after the cells in the
pancreas producing the hormone insulin are accidentally A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V
destroyed by the body.
75. Atomlar o kadar küçüktür ki, bu cümlenin sonundaki 77. (I) It might not be a comforting thought for most people that
nokta bile 20 milyon atom genişliğindedir. spiders can hear you when you arrive home. (II) Most spiders
are perfectly harmless, but they still manage to frighten
A) The tiny scale of atoms can be observed from the fact
people. (III) Recently, a type of jumping spider, Phidippus
that we would need 20 million atoms to fill the width of
audax, has been studied and the discovery made about its
the period at the end of this sentence.
sense of hearing is surprising. (IV) It had been thought to rely
B) Atoms are so tiny that even the period at the end of this almost completely on sight and the vibrations it feels through
sentence has a width of around 20 million atoms. objects. (V) But microelectrodes implanted in the spiders’
C) Although the period at the end of this sentence can brains showed that their neurons responded to sounds such
accommodate 20 million atoms, their width may not be as chairs scraping and people clapping even when the noises
so large. were made between 3 and 5 metres away.
D) The period at the end of this sentence has a width of 20
million atoms, which makes them really tiny.
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V
E) No matter how tiny atoms may be, we would need around
20 million of them to have a width of the period at the end
of this sentence.