P. 301


                                                   2023 YDT (ÖSYM)

                                                               4.  Cognitive  and  behavioural  changes  after  a  stroke  are
           1. - 8. sorularda, cümlede boş bırakılan yerlere
           uygun düşen sözcük veya ifadeyi bulunuz.                common yet often ---- because their effects may be subtle.
                                                                   A) overlooked
                                                                   B) identified
        1.  Scientists believe an asteroid struck the planet Earth off
            Mexico’s Yucatán Peninsula some 65 million years ago,   C) avoided
            bringing about the ---- of almost 50 percent of the plant   D) estimated
            species then living on Earth.
                                                                   E) examined
            A) extinction
            B) identification
            C) differentiation

            D) invasion
            E) exhibition

        2.  The  influence  of  ancient  Greek  civilisation,  art  and   5.  It is important to have big goals, but we need to ---- these
            architecture,  which  were  passed  on  by  the  Romans,  is   goals  into  small,  measurable  pieces,  or  milestones,
            still ---- all around us.                              making them easier to handle and achieve.

            A) abrupt                                              A) break down
            B) reasonable                                          B) reflect on
            C) competitive                                         C) pull through
            D) visible                                             D) cut off
            E) confidential                                        E) put off

        3.  While  toys  today  are  ----  associated  with  children,   6.  During  a  supernova,  the  outer  parts  of  a  star  ----  by  a
            historically,  toys  were  the  province  of  adults  and  were   pressure wave so intense that atoms heavier than iron,
            only gradually passed on to the young.                 such as copper and gold, ----.
            A) separately                                          A) are blasted off / can be formed
            B) consecutively                                       B) will be blasted off / must be formed
            C) widely                                              C) were blasted off / might be formed
            D) slightly                                            D) are being blasted off / should be formed

            E) arbitrarily                                         E) are going to be blasted off / would be formed

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