P. 302


        7.  Until recently, human storm chasers ---- close enough to
                                                                9. - 15. sorularda, cümlede boş bırakılan yerlere
            a tornado to insert their measuring equipment by hand,
                                                                uygun düşen sözcük veya ifadeyi bulunuz.
            but now, they ---- risk their lives for much longer thanks
            to the newly-developed drones.
                                                               9.  According  to  dietary  data  analysed  by  Public  Health
            A) used to get / must not need to
                                                                   England, children in England consume an average of 11
            B) had to get / may not need to                        grams of sugar at breakfast, largely ---- drinks, cereals,
            C) should have got / might not need to                 and spreads, which equates ---- eating three sugar cubes.
            D) may have got / should not need to                   A) about / in
            E) must have got / could not need to                   B) from / to
                                                                   C) along / for
                                                                   D) after / with
                                                                   E) at / around

                                                               10.  Lions  kill  fewer  than  100  people  each  year  and  sharks
                                                                   kill  only  ten  people  per  year,  yet  the  World  Health
                                                                   Organisation estimates that ---- 725,000 people are killed
                                                                   indirectly ---- mosquitoes and the diseases they transmit.
                                                                   A) upon / with
                                                                   B) around / by
                                                                   C) under / in
                                                                   D) from / at
                                                                   E) for / off

        8.  Icarsos  are  power  songs  ----  by  the  shamans  during   11.  All  living  things  on  Earth  need  water  ----  it  is  possible
            healing rituals ---- good spirits.                     that  there  could  be  life  elsewhere  that  uses  different
                                                                   mechanisms and chemistry.
            A) singing / attracting
            B) sung / to attract                                   A) so
            C) to sing / to have attracted                         B) but
            D) being sung / attract                                C) as
            E) sing / to be attracting                             D) as though
                                                                   E) if

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