P. 323


                                                   2023 YDT (ÖSYM)

        75.  Kısıtlı  bir  beslenme  düzeni  olan  pandalar  çoğunlukla
                                                                 76.  -  80.  sorularda,  cümleler  sırasıyla  okunduğunda
            bambu yerler ve bambu çok besleyici bir bitki olmadığı   parçanın anlam bütünlüğünü bozan cümleyi bulunuz.
            için  pandaların  yeterli  enerji  almak  için  yemek  yemeye
            çok fazla vakit ayırmaları gerekir.
                                                               76.  (I) The lie detector, or polygraph, was devised in the 1930s,
            A) Pandas spend a lot of time eating to get enough energy   but from the mid-1970s various psychologists conducted
              because their limited diet makes them eat primarily   serious research into the lie detector and all condemned it.
              bamboo, which is not a very nutritious plant.        (II) In 1988, the Polygraph Protection Act prohibited US
            B) Pandas have a limited diet as they mostly eat bamboo,   employers from requiring or requesting that employees be
              which is not a very nutritious plant, and that is why they   polygraphed.  (III) However, in half of all American states,
              have to spend a lot of time eating to get enough energy.  findings provided by the lie detector can still be admitted as

            C) Having a limited diet, pandas mostly eat bamboo, and   evidence in legal cases. (IV) To be acceptable as a test, a
              they have to devote a lot of time eating to get enough   lie detector must minimally fulfil a number of criteria, the first
              energy because bamboo is not a very nutritious plant.  of which is to have a standardised method of administration.
                                                                   (V) Polygraphs are currently used throughout the world from
            D) With their limited diet, pandas mostly feed on bamboo,   Canada to Thailand, Israel to Taiwan, though their use is
              which is not a very nutritious plant and cannot give   limited.
              pandas enough energy, so they devote a lot of time to
            E) Pandas which mostly eat bamboo have a limited diet, and   A) I    B) II    C) III   D) IV   E) V
              they have to get enough energy by spending a lot of time
              eating as bamboo is not a very nutritious plant.

                                                               77.  (I) The phrase ‘global warming’ has not been around
                                                                   long, but climate change, as it is also known, is nothing
                                                                   new. (II) In fact, it has been a constant throughout history.
                                                                   (III) Scientists are certain that this change has been caused by
                                                                   emissions produced by human activities. (IV) Earth’s climate
                                                                   today is very different from what it was 2 million years ago,
                                                                   let alone 10,000 years ago. (V) Since the beginnings of the
                                                                   most primitive life forms, this planet has seen many different
                                                                   climates, from the hot, dry Jurassic period of the dinosaurs to
                                                                   the bleak, frozen landscapes of the ice ages.

                                                                   A) I     B) II    C) III   D) IV   E) V

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