P. 324


        78.  (I) For many years now, a group of scientists have been   80.  (I) Games have always tended to be one of the most significant
            studying endangered northern right whales, whose habitat   forces driving the popular use of technology. (II) On the other
            includes busy shipping lanes for the port of Boston. (II) In 2007,   hand, there is ongoing research being conducted into the
            they deployed a network of seafloor recorders and automated   harmful psychological effects games have on people. (III) In
            listening buoys in Massachusetts Bay, which enabled them   1972 many home users got their first ever taste of computing
            to compile a complete underwater noise budget. (III) Colour   as something that could be experienced at home as well as
            animations of the data show that the calls of right whales are   at work, thanks to the appearance of the first game console:
            destroyed as ships pass. (IV) In addition to right whales, noise   a home machine dedicated entirely to playing video games.
            drives many other marine animals to change their behaviour   (IV) The machine boasted a variety of simple games but
            markedly – their calling, mating, and migration patterns.    suffered from poor marketing and failed to make much of
            (V) Their social network is constantly disturbed, and therefore,   an impact compared to a product also released in 1972.
            unable to communicate, individual whales have trouble finding   (V) However, today, the console market is worth tens of
            each other and spend more time on their own.           billions of dollars, with hundreds of millions of machines
                                                                   around the world.

            A) I     B) II    C) III   D) IV   E) V
                                                                   A) I     B) II    C) III   D) IV   E) V

        79.  (I) Every country has a national flag with a unique design that
            identifies it to other countries. (II) There are no international
            rules for flag design; each country can choose any pattern,
            though they are usually based on the country’s history or
            culture. (III) National flags first became widespread in the 19th
            century, but Denmark has the oldest national flag still in use,
            dating back as far as the 13th century. (IV) Most flags are
            rectangular in shape, but the proportions of the rectangle are
            not always the same. (V) However, this is not always the case
            – Nepal, for example, has a distinctive, non-rectangular flag,
            which looks like two triangles on top of each other.

            A) I     B) II    C) III   D) IV   E) V

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