P. 322


        71.  Çoğu  gök  bilimci  Ay'ın  4,5  milyar  yıl  önce  Mars   73.  MÖ  8000  civarında  Afrika,  Hindistan  ve  Avustralya’da
            büyüklüğünde  bir  asteroidin  Dünya  ile  çarpışması   avcılar  tarafından  kullanılan  bumerang,  ilk  başlarda,
            sonucu oluştuğunu düşünmektedir.                       hayvanlara,  onları  yaralamak  ve  yakalamak  amacıyla
                                                                   fırlatılan ağır bir sopaydı.
            A) Most astronomers think that the collision of a Mars-sized
              asteroid with the Earth 4.5 billion years ago resulted in   A) Because boomerang was a heavy stick thrown to injure
              the formation of the Moon.                              and catch animals, it was originally used by the hunters
            B) Most astronomers agree that the Moon was formed when   in Africa, India and Australia as long as 8000 BCE.
              a Mars-sized asteroid collided with the Earth 4.5 billion   B) Boomerang was originally a heavy stick which the
              years ago.                                              hunters in Africa, India and Australia used to throw at
                                                                      animals to injure and catch them in 8000 BCE.
            C) Most astronomers think that the Moon was formed as a
              result of the collision of a Mars-sized asteroid with the   C) In about 8000 BCE, boomerang was first used by the
              Earth 4.5 billion years ago.                            hunters in Africa, India and Australia as a heavy stick not
            D) Most astronomers agree that a Mars-sized asteroid      only to injure animals but also to catch them.
              collided with the Earth 4.5 billion years ago, which   D) Many hunters in Africa, India and Australia used
              ultimately formed the Moon.                             boomerang as it was originally a heavy stick thrown to
                                                                      injure or catch animals around 8000 BCE.
            E) Most astronomers think that the Moon, which was formed
              4.5 billion years ago, was the result of the collision of a   E) Used by the hunters in Africa, India and Australia around
              Mars-sized asteroid with the Earth.                     8000 BCE, boomerang was originally a heavy stick
                                                                      thrown at animals to injure and catch them.

        72.  Birçok  etobur  hayvanın  keskin  koku  üreten  salgı  ezleri   74.  Beyin acıyı doğrudan algılamıyor olsa da acıyı algılayan
            vardır ama kokarcaların kokusu o kadar ağırdır ki onlar   zarlar, kan damarları ve kaslar ile çevrilidir ve bu da baş
            bunu etkili bir silah olarak kullanabilir.             ağrısı yaşamamızın sebebidir.
            A) The glands in many carnivores produce sharp scents, but   A) Although the brain does not sense pain directly, it is
              skunks have such a heavy scent that it can function as   surrounded by membranes, blood vessels and muscles
              an effective weapon.                                    that do and that is the reason why we have headaches.
            B) Most carnivores produce strong scents through their   B) The brain does not sense pain directly but the
              glands, but skunks’ scent is the heaviest one that can be   membranes, blood vessels and muscles surrounding it
              used as a powerful weapon.                              do, causing us to have headaches.
            C) Most carnivores have glands that produce strong scents,   C) We have headaches not because the brain senses pain
              but skunks use their extremely heavy scents as an       directly, but because it is surrounded by membranes,
              effective weapon.                                       blood vessels and muscles that sense pain.
            D) Many carnivores have glands that produce sharp scents,   D) Though the brain cannot sense pain directly, we have
              but skunks’ scent is so heavy that they can use it as an   headaches due to the pain in the membranes, blood
              effective weapon.                                       vessels and muscles that surround our brain.
            E) Many carnivores have sharp scents produced by their   E) The brain does not have a direct sense of pain, so our
              glands, but skunks’ scent is so heavy that they can use it   headaches are not due to the pain in the brain but in the
              as a powerful weapon                                    membranes, blood vessels and muscles surrounding it.

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