P. 317


                                                   2023 YDT (ÖSYM)

        58.  You  have  recently  arrived  at  your  host  university  with
            a  study-abroad  program.  You  have  made  a  friend  from   59.  -  63.  sorularda,  boş  bırakılan  yere,  parçada  anlam
                                                                 bütünlüğünü  sağlamak  için  getirilebilecek  cümleyi
            Spain but you are not sure how to pronounce her name.
            So you politely ask her: ----
            A) I’m sorry. Could you please tell me the exact
                                                               59.  Merchandising  is  the  process  by  which  goods  are
              pronunciation of your name?
                                                                   produced  in  association  with  a  media  product,  which
            B) Your name is so long and difficult to say, do you often   can then be sold to consumers. Many successful films,
              have problems with how people pronounce it?          such as Star Wars or Spiderman, have greatly increased
            C) Are all Spanish names as melodic sounding as yours?  their  revenues  by  licensing  the  ideas,  script,  images
                                                                   or music from the film to companies which will release
            D) Would you like me to teach you how to correctly
                                                                   products associated with the film. Associated with Star
              pronounce my name?
                                                                   Wars, for instance, are toys, books, clothes and games.
            E) Do you often get upset when people mispronounce your
                                                                   While merchandising is not new and has been connected
                                                                   to a range of artists in the past, the process is now seen
                                                                   as central to promotion of media products themselves.
                                                                   ---- For example, computer games have toys and books
                                                                   associated with them and rock groups sell T-shirts.

                                                                   A) There was an explosion of goods associated with the
                                                                      rock group The Beatles in the 1960s.
                                                                   B) Merchandising is clearest in film, though other forms of
                                                                      media seek to maximise revenues from their successes
                                                                      in the same way.
                                                                   C) In a few cases, revenue from merchandising has
                                                                      matched or even exceeded revenue from the original
                                                                   D) When you promote a product too much, consumers may
                                                                      become uninterested in buying the goods.

                                                                   E) Filmmaking is a collaborative process, but the nature
                                                                      of the normal structure of how media is produced is

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