P. 312


           44.  -  48.  sorularda,  karşılıklı  konuşmanın  boş  bırakılan
           kısmını tamamlayabilecek ifadeyi bulunuz.
                                                                   –  I’ve  just  read  an  article  about  a  team  of  researchers
        44.                                                          at MIT who analysed 126,000 stories posted on social
                                                                     media  between  2006  and  2017.  They  found  that  lies
            Patient:                                                 spread more rapidly and farther than facts.
            –  I have totally lost my self-confidence because of my
              failures at work. I feel rejected and isolated.
                                                                   – ----
            –  You shouldn’t be too hard on yourself. Your problems
              might be related to the organisation you work for, not   –  Actually  the  opposite.  The  typical  person  spreading
              your character or job performance.                     lies  tended  to  have  few  followers  and  showed  little
                                                                     activity. What made false stories popular was that they
            Patient:                                                 tended to be more exciting than the truth.
            – ----
                                                                   –  Sounds interesting. I’ll remember this the next time I
            –  Well, if you want to grow in confidence you need to   see a story on social media.
              change your perspective and focus on your strengths
              rather than what others think about you.
                                                                   A) Do you think the research also explains why so many of
                                                                      us are fooled by lies in the first place?
            A) I really don't understand why most of my colleagues
                                                                   B) So, Mark Twain was right when he said that “A lie travels
              burden me with their responsibilities.
                                                                      halfway around the world while the truth is still putting its
            B) I always prioritise my own good when it comes to       shoes on,” wasn’t he?
              relations at work.
                                                                   C) Can we say that we shouldn’t trust the majority of the
            C) This is the problem. I always tend to blame myself, not   stories posted on social media?
              outside factors.
                                                                   D) Could it be because lies were being spread by popular
            D) In fact, some organisations arrange seminars to help   social media users?
              their employees work more effectively
                                                                   E) Did the researchers compare all those stories posted on
            E) I sometimes watch a movie or go for a walk to forget   social media?
              about my problems.

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