P. 314


        48.                                                      49.  -  53.  sorularda,  verilen  cümleye  anlamca  en  yakın
                                                                 cümleyi bulunuz.
            –  Every time I go grocery shopping, I end up buying far
              more than I intend or need to.                   49.  An  investigation  into  the  fish  remains  in  the  Sahara
                                                                   Desert  has  revealed  that  humans  living  there  10,000
                                                                   years ago were eating fish for dinner.
            –  So do I. But I finally found the exact reason: It’s our
              empty stomachs that are to blame.                    A) An analysis of the humans that lived in the Sahara Desert
                                                                      10,000 years ago, based on their remains, sheds light on
                                                                      how often these people ate fish for dinner.
            – ----
                                                                   B) According to an analysis on the fish remains in the ahara
            Jill:                                                     Desert, it has been found that the people residing in this
            –  Eating some fruit or nuts before heading to the store   area 10,000 years ago used to consume fish for dinner.
              might help. Then, going shopping will be much easier   C) According to a study on the diets of the humans living in
              to keep in check.                                       the Sahara Desert 10,000 years ago, it was customary
                                                                      for those who lived in that area to consume fish for
            A) It’s not only the hunger that plays a role, adverts can
              have a big influence on our decisions while shopping.  D) According to a study on the fish remains in the Sahara
                                                                      Desert, the residents of this area are known to have been
            B) The same goes for shopping on the Internet. I also feel
                                                                      eating fish for dinner for the last 10,000 years.
              like buying clothes that I don't need when I do online
              shopping.                                            E) An examination of the fish remains in the Sahara Desert,
                                                                      10,000 years ago, indicated that fish was often preferred
            C) For me, it’s not the case. There are too many alternatives
                                                                      for dinner by the residents of this area.
              offered at stores, so the diverse choices make me buy
            D) I think you’re completely right because so much of what’s
              available looks extra-tempting when I’m hungry.
            E) But I often tend to buy cakes and biscuits even when I’m
              not hungry. Their attractive packaging and delicious taste
              always get me.

                                                               50.  No  sooner  had  Isaac  Newton  received  his  university
                                                                   degree,  in  1665,  then  the  plague  came,  which  forced
                                                                   everyone to leave Cambridge.
                                                                   A) As soon as Isaac Newton received his university degree
                                                                      in 1665, people had to abandon Cambridge because of
                                                                      the outbreak of the plague.
                                                                   B) Upon being forced to leave Cambridge due to the plague
                                                                      in 1665, Isaac Newton received his university degree.

                                                                   C) Before Isaac Newton finished university in 1665, the
                                                                      plague had broken out in Cambridge and made people
                                                                      leave the city.
                                                                   D) The plague forced everyone including Isaac Newton,
                                                                      who would soon receive his university degree, to leave
                                                                      Cambridge in 1665.
                                                                   E) It was 1665 when Isaac Newton had to leave Cambridge
                                                                      with his university degree since the plague afflicted

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