P. 313


                                                   2023 YDT (ÖSYM)

        46.                                                    47.

            Frank:                                                 Amy:
            –  My  first  test  in  computer  science  is  on  Monday.  So,   –  Have you seen the photo of the Yuncheng Salt Lake in
              can you summarise memory since you’re the expert?      this week’s magazine? It’s gorgeous!
            Sue:                                                   Pam:
            –  Sure, just remember the term ‘memory’ is used a bit   –  Nope. What makes it so beautiful?
              loosely. A memory unit is the part where information is
              stored. Technically, it can be either of two things: RAM
                                                                   – ----
              or ROM.
            Frank:                                                 Pam:
                                                                   –  How’s that possible? How can it have such an effect
            – ----
                                                                     on the lake?
            –  RAM stores the programs and data you are using in
                                                                   –  Actually,  as  the  weather  warms  up,  different
              your  current  work  session.  When  you  turn  off  your
                                                                     microorganisms flourish in different parts of the lake,
              computer, the information in RAM is lost. ROM stores
                                                                     each giving the water its own distinctive shade.
              the information your computer needs to perform basic
              functions  and  run  programs  that  are  built  in  your
              computer.                                            A) The water is brightly coloured due to high temperatures

            Frank:                                                    in the region.
            –  Thank you.                                          B) In fact, it is the third biggest sodium sulphate lake in the
                                                                   C) The weather in that region is so hot that tourists hardly
            A) So, RAM and ROM are two kinds of memory, then what     come to stay there.
              do the abbreviations stand for?
                                                                   D) Humans have been harvesting salt in this lake for 4,000
            B) I need to be able to explain them, so what is the
              difference between RAM and ROM?
                                                                   E) It is in the Shanxi province of northern China– known as
            C) Technically speaking, what are the distinct physical
                                                                      the Dead Sea of China.
              features of these two memory types?
            D) So, can you briefly describe what happens if a memory
              unit is used at its limits?
            E) What difference does it make if I upgrade one of these
              units with a newer one?

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