P. 307


                                                   2023 YDT (ÖSYM)

                                                               30.  It is stated in the passage that da Vinci’s robot ----.
           29. - 31. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız.
                                                                   A) drew more attention than his self-propelled cart in a royal
                                                                      event in Milan
            A humanoid robot, often referred to as an android in science   B) was covered in armour since it was planned to be used
            fiction, is designed to resemble the human form. Basic    for military purposes
            humanoid automatons have existed for centuries, and have
                                                                   C) was history’s first example of artificial intelligence
            gradually been refined to more closely mimic our appearance
                                                                   D) could make physical movements with the aid of several
            and behaviour. One of the first well-documented examples is
            Leonardo da Vinci’s mechanical knight. Da Vinci’s robot was
            operated by a series of pulleys (a set of wheels) and cables   E) had no detailed record of its design, which made it look
            that allowed it to stand, sit and independently move its arms.   primitive
            It had a human form and was even dressed in armour to
            resemble a knight. Although da Vinci’s design is primitive by
            today’s standards, lacking any artificial intelligence or remote
            control, it was ahead of its time in the 15th century. Da Vinci
            employed the use of pulleys, weights and gears in many of
            his inventions, including his self-propelled cart which many
            consider to be the first robot. He later went on to design the
            robot knight for a royal event in Milan that took place during
            the late 1490s. Da Vinci’s drawings for the robot knight are
            still used as models by modern robotics, and even helped
            develop robots for NASA.

        29.  According to the passage, which of the following is true   31.  It  can  be  understood  from  the  passage  that  da  Vinci’s
            about humanoid robots?                                 design of the robot knight proves its practicality as it ----.
            A) They must have artificial intelligence and other    A) has enabled the production rates of humanoid robots
              mechanisms to be considered robots.                     gain considerable momentum
            B) They have been modified over time to make them      B) is still considered sophisticated even by today’s
              resemble humans more.                                   standards
            C) They have not been very well-documented throughout   C) was constructed by pieces that were technologically
              history.                                                ahead of its time
            D) They are quite dissimilar to science fiction androids.  D) has been utilised as sketches for works in modern
            E) They have just begun to emerge in recent years.
                                                                   E) has facilitated further improvements in artificial
                                                                      intelligence technology

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