P. 305


                                                   2023 YDT (ÖSYM)

                                                               23.  While  the  most  common  cause  of  colour  blindness  is
           21. - 28. sorularda, verilen cümleyi uygun şekilde
           tamamlayan ifadeyi bulunuz.                             genetic, ----.
                                                                   A) it can also result from diseases such as diabetes,
                                                                      Alzheimer's and Parkinson's
        21.  Although  freeways  were  originally  meant  to  alleviate
            traffic in big cities, ----.                           B) it does not allow people to differentiate between various
                                                                      shades of certain colours
            A) they actually increased traffic levels, by encouraging the
                                                                   C) there is actually a very limited range of colours the eye
              use of the automobile over public transportation
                                                                      can pick up correctly
            B) access to the city by automobile allowed people to arrive
                                                                   D) eyes with various defective cells can confuse three
              at their destinations faster
                                                                      colours – red, green, and blue
            C) the expected volume of traffic must be estimated, with
                                                                   E) tits inheritance is through female carriers passing the
              minimum and maximum levels established
                                                                      gene to 50% of their sons
            D) they are constructed according to strict guidelines
              regarding their design and structure
            E) their construction requires vast amounts of money and
              considerable workforce

        22.  Despite the popularity of low-carb diets in society, ----.  24.  While there has been much research into the biological
                                                                   basis of schizophrenia, ----.
            A) an excessive intake of carbohydrates has been shown to
              lead to an elevated risk of heart disease            A) its classical symptoms include delusions and
            B) most food science experts recommend that adulthumans
              get the majority of their energy from carbohydrates  B) for many people with it, brain development takes a
                                                                      different pathway from an early stage
            C) complex carbohydrates, such as starch and glycogen,
              are used by living creatures for energy storage      C) symptoms start with subtle changes in childhood thinking
                                                                      and behaviour
            D) research indicates that carbohydrates are not essential
              for chemical signalling processes that assist functioning   D) the disorder still remains one of the true mysteries of
              of cells                                                medicine
            E) it is a fact that carbohydrates eaten today may be   E) there are a number of blood tests for definitively
              deposited in the body as fat tomorrow                   diagnosing schizophrenia

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