Page 17 - İngilizce 12 | Kazanım Kavrama Etkinlikleri
P. 17

4.  Skim the text and tick (√) the given human rights which you think are violated.

                 1   All human beings are born free and equal.
                 2   We are all equal before the law.
                 3   No one shall be discriminated.
                 4   No one shall be treated inhumanely.
                 5   Everyone has the right to a nationality.

                 6   Every grown-up has the right to marry and have a family.
                 7   We are always innocent till proven guilty.

                 8   We have freedom of thought and religion.

             In Canada, from the 1880s to the 1990s, more than a hundred thousand Native Canadian Indian—also
             known as First Nations—children were sent to Indian residential schools by the government. These
             schools, often located far from Indian homeland, were established by the Government of Canada and
             run by Catholic and Protestant churches. Their aim was to educate children on European culture and
             language. As the children were boarder students, family visits were occasional, but they were not
             allowed to keep any personal or family items at school. They could not wear their own clothes, and
             they were not allowed to keep their hair long and braided as part of the culture. Furthermore, they
                                              were  forbidden to speak  their  native  indigenous  language.
                                                  Most of them suffered from culture shock, and many could
                                                    not graduate.
                                                      On June  11, 2008,  Prime Minister  Stephen  Harper
                                                      made a Statement of Apology to the former students
                                                      of  Indian Residential  Schools, on behalf of  the
                                                      Government of Canada, and asked for forgiveness.
                                                      In 2015, a commission released a report saying that
                                                      the government was faulty. Today, the graduates of
                                                      residential schools are still trying to recover from this

          5.  Answer the questions according to the text.

              1  Why were the Indian children sent to residential schools?

              2  Why was it forbidden to keep their hair long and braided?

              3  What happened to the most of the children in residential schools?

              4  What was confirmed by the commission report?

          6.  Create and write a slogan/motto about children’s rights.

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